Tagged With Charles Waine
Petrobras faces another period of uncertainty
8 February 2023
Investors are wary about government intervention as the NOC welcomes its latest CEO
Argentina plays midstream waiting game
30 January 2023
The arrival of additional gas takeaway capacity this year is welcome news for E&Ps, but much more will be needed if the Vaca Muerta is ever going to replicate US shale
Consolidation heats up for maturing US shale
23 January 2023
Growth might not be on the table, but operators are eyeing opportunities to add quality acreage
Headwinds threaten Haynesville growth
20 January 2023
Output from the play set for slowdown as pipeline bottlenecks loom and operators remain cautious
Pemex to struggle with ambitious targets
12 January 2023
The latest five-year plan compounds pressure on the already financially handicapped NOC
Colombian production rebounds post-pandemic
29 December 2022
Undeveloped basins, minimal industry competition and gas supply imbalance are notable tailwinds even as windfall taxes loom large
Permian set for growth slowdown
30 November 2022
A range of obstacles will hobble further output increases in the Lower 48’s most productive basin heading into 2023
Brazilian indies enter rapid production growth phase
1 November 2022
M&A activity may have slowed in recent months, but turbocharging production is the new goal for the country’s emerging independents
Petrobras in the crosshairs as election run-off looms
20 October 2022
Ballot box verdict could prove existential for the NOC, amid controversial calls from the incumbent to break apart the Brazilian energy giant
Argentina pursues LNG export dreams
3 October 2022
Vaca Muerta production is rising sharply, but there are still hurdles to clear
Permian consolidation defies headwinds
8 September 2022
Surging profits and easy access to export markets are accelerating M&A activity, despite growing inflationary pressure
Brazilian upstream reaps divestment dividend
16 August 2022
Petrobras is starting to see significant production gains in the pre-salt, while independents are already raising output at fields divested by the NOC
Dash for gas in the Haynesville
15 August 2022
Bullish output projections and snowballing consolidation illustrate scramble to gain a foothold in the basin
Pemex reverses production decline
9 August 2022
Mexico’s leading energy provider enjoyed a strong quarter but will have to overcome hurdles to achieve its upstream objectives
US politicians up windfall tax rhetoric ante
4 August 2022
Surging downstream profits add fuel to the fire, but the spectre of demand destruction lurks
Biden clashes with US refiners over fuel prices
11 July 2022
Attacks on the downstream fail to weigh capacity losses
Bolsonaro turns up heat on Petrobras
4 July 2022
Threat of subsidies and political interference grows as under-pressure president refuses to accept rising domestic fuel prices
Colombia’s oil and gas sector faces political headwinds
1 July 2022
The incoming president has publicly stated his condemnation of the country’s fossil fuels sector, but energy security may force a rethink
Brazilian M&A activity heats up
31 May 2022
As Petrobras starts to wind down its portfolio divestment, Brazil is entering a new era of upstream consolidation
Midstream bottlenecks threaten Argentinian growth
26 April 2022
Domestic gas in the Vaca Muerta is poised for growth, but much depends on scaling the country’s midstream
Frontera aims to rebuild production
24 March 2022
The Colombia-focused operator forecasts a partial rebound in production this year and is hopeful about exploration offshore Guyana
Caution reigns in US shale
10 March 2022
Even amid climbing oil prices and strong market backwardation, most US shale independents show little scope or intent to raise output in the short term
Warning signs for Colombia’s upstream
15 February 2022
The clock is ticking to prevent years of crude production decline ending the country’s ability to meet its own energy needs
Cenovus high grades its portfolio
13 December 2021
Debt management has been the immediate priority for the firm, but 2022 holds plenty of growth opportunities
Deals booming in the Haynesville
29 November 2021
Strong global gas prospects and high-quality inventory are driving a big swing in M&A activity in the basin
Confronting the AI skills shortage
24 November 2021
The pace of digital adoption is only going to accelerate in the oil and gas sector, but much more needs to be done to entice talent
Pivoting to green through AI adoption
22 November 2021
Greater digital maturity will be an important factor in the race to cut emissions and shift to lower-carbon energy
Bullish outlook for US oilfield services
25 October 2021
Quarterly financial results have rebounded and prospects look even better heading into next year
Petrobras’ downstream dilemma
21 October 2021
President Bolsonaro considers privatising the NOC as fuel prices climb and divestments drag
Winter warning signs for US gas market
18 October 2021
Upward price pressures may benefit producers, but consumers will be hoping for a mild winter this year
Gran Tierra cranks up the gears
14 October 2021
Midstream takeaway has returned to normal in Colombia, paving the way for production growth opportunities
Petrobras eyes Gulf of Mexico exit
12 October 2021
The NOC has added another sale to its long list of divestment targets
Suriname poised to join upstream elite
7 October 2021
The South American country has all the potential to become a major crude producer, as showcased by recent offshore discoveries
Petrobras refinery sales stutter
4 October 2021
Pledge to divest half of the company’s refining capacity by year-end is starting to look doubtful
ConocoPhillips captures Shell’s Permian portfolio
23 September 2021
Houston-based firm swoops in to take the European major’s entire Delaware footprint and bolster its position in the basin
US industry calls for immediate LNG export limits
21 September 2021
Dissenting voices demand gas supplies stay in-country amid falling stocks and energy security concerns
Trinidad scrambles to prevent gas nosedive
17 September 2021
The country’s production has been freefalling for years, but expected startups will not be enough to avert further long-term losses
Haynesville tempts gas operators
13 September 2021
Bullish LNG export prospects on the Gulf Coast are driving M&A activity in the southern shale play
Chesapeake Energy pounces on Haynesville
9 September 2021
The recently bankrupt gas producer has splashed the cash on a merger that will significantly boost its stake in the southern play
Comstock Resources looks to offset hedging losses
7 September 2021
Less supply hedged into next year should help drive company revenues if global gas demand stays strong
Goodrich Petroleum snaps up more acreage
6 September 2021
The gas-focused operator is rapidly growing both its portfolio and production base in the Haynesville shale
Maha Energy targets onshore Brazilian ramp-up
2 September 2021
The operator is expanding its footprint in the country’s northeast and has drilling plans for the Middle East
Alvopetro eyes expanding Brazilian gas market
31 August 2021
The company has plenty of onshore growth opportunities to match its midstream capacity and increase its stake in the country’s upstream
Petrotal exceeds expectations in Peru
31 August 2021
The Calgary-based operator has managed to sidestep midstream challenges, charting a course to significant production gains
Private sector takes a beating in Latin America
26 August 2021
Political and financial motivations vary, but the region is noticeably lurching towards greater resource nationalism
Pampa high-grades Argentinian portfolio
19 August 2021
The firm is focusing its efforts on gas growth in the Vaca Muerta and widening its power sector footprint
Headwinds buffet Pemex’s upstream progress
12 August 2021
The NOC had a better financial quarter in Q2 but will likely need significantly more money to hit upstream goals
Geopark looks to shed assets
12 August 2021
The operator is doubling down on its core Colombian asset base, divesting non-core assets across South America
Petrobras’ recipe for upstream success
9 August 2021
Fading market volatility and rising global energy demand should boost the operator’s focus on pre-salt crude growth
Limited hedging boosts US super-indies
5 August 2021
Strong domestic asset bases are helping drive financial performance at Occidental and ConocoPhillips and giving pause for thought on production guidance
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