Tagged With Venezuela
US election means little to Tehran and Caracas
2 October 2024
Geopolitical strife embroiling Iran and political corruption in Venezuela suggest little near-term change to oil production from either of the sanctioned states
Letter from South America: Sanction threat fails to curb Caracas
31 May 2024
Washington has put oil and gas sanctions back in place while Venezuela prepares for elections. But exemptions remain as the Biden administration looks to domestic gasoline prices ahead of the US’ own elections later this year
Venezuela casts shadow over Guyana’s bright oil future
12 January 2024
But 1m b/d production could be just a few years away if geopolitical risks subside
Venezuela’s limited oil sanctions relief
1 November 2023
Washington’s move to ease restrictions on Caracas will likely have a more meaningful impact on US refiners than global crude markets
Letter from Caracas: Venezuela and Russia’s fragile oil ties at risk
6 April 2023
Moscow’s influence over Caracas uncertain amid upcoming elections and a shift in approach from Washington
Letter from Venezuela: A long journey back from the oil wilderness
8 March 2023
Lifting sanctions may still be a bridge too far in becoming a sustainable supplier of crude to the US
Letter from South America: Washington softens Caracas stance
21 February 2023
Trinidad & Tobago’s position as a Caribbean gas hub seems more secure following US permission for it to access Venezuela’s Dragon field
Russia sanctions to create oil market slowburn
20 February 2023
Venezuela and Iran offer clues to potential effectiveness of the measures
US approves Trinidad-Venezuela Dragon talks
31 January 2023
The gas field could help Trinidad and Tobago sustain its LNG industry
Chevron gets back to work in Venezuela
22 December 2022
But Washington’s apparent detente with Caracas is unlikely to bolster global crude supplies significantly any time soon
Venezuela’s crude capacity in question
1 April 2022
Speculation over potential sanctions deal sparks debate on country’s capacity to raise output
Letter from South America: Ukraine crisis brings opportunities and costs
28 March 2022
While the region’s crude producers stand to benefit from high prices, LNG importers will feel the pressure
Caution reigns in US shale
10 March 2022
Even amid climbing oil prices and strong market backwardation, most US shale independents show little scope or intent to raise output in the short term
Meeting the oil and gas supply gap
20 December 2021
The world has no lack of recoverable oil and gas resources. But where they will come from in the future will change
Letter from South America: Venezuela secures Iranian lifeline
25 October 2021
The crude-for-diluent swap deal with Iran is underway
Private sector takes a beating in Latin America
26 August 2021
Political and financial motivations vary, but the region is noticeably lurching towards greater resource nationalism
Venezuela’s allies choose divergent paths
1 February 2021
Support from strategic partners Russia and China has helped the Latin American regime endure punishing economic sanctions. But over time their approaches have begun to deviate significantly
Caracas turns to capitalism for survival
26 January 2021
Venezuelan government makes moves to liberalise oil sector as economic sanctions push production to 50-year low
Biden inherits Venezuelan conundrum
19 January 2021
The incoming US government faces a multitude of foreign policy challenges, but will its arrival also mark reconciliation with Latin America’s largest petrostate?
Venezuela stuck on repeat
14 December 2020
The socialist regime may have strengthened its political control, but until US sanctions are unwound economic disaster will persist
China turns the taps off
1 May 2020
Economic growth may be rebounding, but demand for Latin American crude remains minimal
Perfect storm strikes Venezuela
1 May 2020
Oil production poised to plummet as global economic conditions prove nightmarish prospect for the country’s energy sector
Venezuela’s options narrow
17 March 2020
Sanctions, the oil price shock and the potential exit of Chevron multiply the country’s misery
Maduro further muddies Venezuelan waters
13 January 2020
Regime’s attempt to seize parliamentary control creates yet another fracture in troubled Latin American nation
Venezuela feels the heat
19 December 2019
Punishing US sanctions will continue to inflict heavy losses on the country’s oil sector
Bondholders close in on Citgo
1 November 2019
Venezuela misses crucial bond payment as danger of losing control of the US refiner looms
China spurns Venezuelan exports
18 October 2019
US sanctions are forcing Asian refiners to abandon the Latin American nation
Opec confronts security and investment challenges
11 October 2019
The organisation’s secretary general has concerns on vulnerability of infrastructure and ESG investment agenda
Citgo’s future hangs in the balance
11 October 2019
Rival Venezuelan regimes’ hopes of holding onto US firm look bleaker
Permian crude driving storage expansion
16 August 2019
North American crude output is exceeding storage capacity and driving a storage construction boom
Sanctions squeeze Venezuela's heavy crude output
18 July 2019
Latin America's economically troubled oil giant faces the difficult task of significantly raising Asian crude grades
Citgo caught between Venezuela's competing governments
5 July 2019
Authorities reveal a second failed coup attempt, as President Maduro seeks to limit the influence of the opposition
US sanctions debilitate Venezuelan oil output
17 June 2019
President Nicolas Maduro is standing firm, despite oil production falling to levels not seen since the infamous oil lockout of 16 years ago
Rival presidents face off as Venezuela's economy crashes
22 February 2019
Despite severe US sanctions, President Maduro is standing firm. But how long can the political impasse last while oil production continues to decline?
Latin American producers aim to stem the tide
4 January 2019
Is the fragile market cracking under pressure? Despite some ambitious growth-oriented investments, some of the continent's traditional big guns will be facing challenges in 2019
Seesawing year for Latin American producers
17 December 2018
Brazil was hoping to start a new page in 2018, while Mexico’s new president also announced changes. But Venezuela continued its precipitous decline
The rise and fall of oil prices in 2018
12 December 2018
Prices rose, Trump hollered, supply signals were mixed, Iran was hit by sanctions and then prices fell back
China loans make Venezuela’s outlook more precarious
12 July 2018
Patience is wearing thin among both China and other trading partners
Who's your swing producer now?
6 July 2018
Under pressure from Trump, Saudi Arabia has demolished the Opec deal and will now pour oil into a market that is suddenly running short
Opec starts to ease cuts
22 June 2018
The group is seeking to return compliance to 100%, implying a sharp immediate rise in output. But the details are vague
Oil goes into the red zone
21 May 2018
The market is primed for another price rally. The industry needs to update its outlook
Venezuela: Opec's heavy lifter
14 May 2018
The Latin American producer's sharp fall in output has helped hold the cartel’s deal together
Latin America's oil production struggles to recover
11 May 2018
Venezuela and Mexico are still coping with the fallout from the downturn while Brazil is set to start adding barrels again
ConocoPhillips judgement piles pressure on Venezuela's PdV
27 April 2018
Venezuela's state oil company is reeling from plummeting output and debts
Middle distillates take centre stage
20 April 2018
Oil-product demand, especially for middle distillates, is rising more quickly that processing capacity. It's good news for refiners
Elections a new rupture point in Venezuela crisis
16 April 2018
A Maduro loss in May's election could be a turning point, but recovery will be lengthy
The price is right
5 April 2018
With the help of thirsty consumers and collapsing Venezuelan output, the market seems at last to have found its range
Venezuelan oil's volatile year
27 March 2018
A steep production decline from the country is already priced in, but things could get even worse
Reforms at risk in Latin America's elections
26 March 2018
A busy political season will put recent market-friendly energy changes to the test
The volatile 10
21 March 2018
As the oil market regains balance, risk will affect the price. Here's where to watch
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