Tagged With Russia
Russia reaches for nationalisation
18 October 2024
There is a growing impulse to nationalise Russia’s energy sector out of its difficulties, but any steps in this direction would not be taken overnight
Russian LNG scrambling to emulate oil’s success
27 September 2024
A sanctions-defying ‘shadow fleet’ is being assembled, but it remains unclear where Russia will sell the liquefied gas while Arctic LNG 2 remains strangled by sanctions
Russia’s quest for energy ‘technological sovereignty’, part 2
27 September 2024
The country faces big challenges as it seeks to replace Western suppliers when it comes to LNG carriers, while sanctions have all-but halted its petrochemicals expansion
Russia’s quest for energy ‘technological sovereignty’, part 1
25 September 2024
The country inherited a near self-sufficient oil and gas industry from the USSR, and it is working fast to eliminate shortfalls in its domestic capability, where advanced drilling and subsea technologies remain a vulnerability
Europe has coping mechanisms for life after Russian gas
13 September 2024
The Ukraine–Russia gas transit and interconnection agreements are due to expire at the end of this year, but despite some uncertainty, Europe seems well-prepared
The rise of oil’s big three, part 3: The oil age develops
5 September 2024
The 20th century’s two global conflicts made clear the geopolitical importance of oil, while Russia and Saudi Arabia joined the US as hydrocarbons superpowers
The rise of oil’s big three, part 2: The start of the oil age
5 September 2024
In the second part of our history of oil special on the ascent of the US, Russia and Saudi Arabia, we examine the early years of the age of oil
The rise of oil’s big three, part 1: The transition to oil
5 September 2024
In this first part of the first chapter of our 90th anniversary special on the history of oil, we look at oil’s humble beginnings and the start of its rise to prominence
Post-Soviet Russian oil and gas part 2: Sanctions and isolation
22 August 2024
In the second of our two-part 90th anniversary issue series on Russian oil and gas, we look at how energy trade with Europe brought Russia in from the cold, and how adventurism in Ukraine sent it right back out again
Post-Soviet Russian oil and gas part 1: Privatisation and nationalisation
22 August 2024
The Russian hydrocarbons industry has evolved greatly over the past three decades. In the first of a two-part series for Petroleum Economist's 90th anniversary, we look at the post-Soviet period and how control of oil and gas went from the state to private hands and back again.
Moscow’s moves may impede Africa’s energy ambitions
9 August 2024
Upstream projects may not benefit from Russia’s involvement, but South Africa might be seeking to become an importer of Russian molecules
Moving Russian LNG into the shadows
14 June 2024
Russia may be looking to create a dark fleet of LNG carriers to get around sanctions on Arctic LNG 2, but it will be hard to replicate its success with shadow oil tankers
Beijing remains uncommitted on Power of Siberia 2 plans
4 June 2024
Russia’s pivot to the east is encountering barriers among the Central Asian republics and due to China’s reluctance to become too dependent on Russian gas
Gazprom: from boom to bust
28 May 2024
Lacking either the ability to generate cash for the Kremlin or serve as its geopolitical tool, Gazprom has lost its purpose
Russia makes gas inroads in Central Asia
17 April 2024
Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan provide opportunities after Europe turns it back, while also offering another gateway to China
Russian refining under siege
26 February 2024
Ukraine is striking deeper into Russian territory as it seeks to disrupt its enemy’s oil supplies, but the impact remains limited
Trials and tribulations for Russian LNG
19 February 2024
Novatek may have completed Arctic LNG 2’s first train on time, but the harder part will be securing buyers and shipping cargoes as Washington seeks to halt Russia’s LNG expansion
Outlook 2024: Europe’s pivot from Russian gas
23 January 2024
Energy crisis leads to supply diversification
Outlook 2024: Declining Russian oil flows
13 December 2023
Competition for Russian oil remains strong, but opportunistic buyers will have more challenges in 2024
Petchems Report: US a petchems hotbed while Europe struggles
20 November 2023
Low-cost ethane has made the US a premier destination for petchems investments, while in Europe the industry faces economic headwinds
The Russian price cap myth
17 October 2023
It is time to stop pretending that there is a ‘price cap’ on Russian petroleum exports
Have India’s imports of Russian crude peaked?
5 September 2023
Russia has leapfrogged Mideast sources to become India’s largest supplier, but flows may be poised to plateau
A red flag for security of Russian oil supplies
5 July 2023
Internal strife and a prolonged war in Ukraine threaten a precarious balance that has kept oil flowing
Letter from Iran: Tehran's dreams and Moscow's deceptions
7 June 2023
Russia is making a show of support for Iran as the two nations strengthen their ties, but the promised investment may never materialise
Rise of Brics challenges oil world order
23 May 2023
The five economies are shaking up global markets, and they could be on the cusp of a major break from the existing order
Russia-India crude trade poses challenges
17 May 2023
Western banking sanctions and the crude price cap cause headaches for New Delhi and Moscow
Russia struggles to reroute gas exports
5 May 2023
Distance and politics mean there are no easy solutions to Moscow’s pipeline problems
China holds all the cards in Russia’s eastern pivot
4 April 2023
The Asian giant sees no reason to rush on energy cooperation
Russia finds the ships to access new product markets
24 March 2023
Refining runs and questions over blending—not vessel availability—are likely to determine Russian product export volumes
Letter from Venezuela: A long journey back from the oil wilderness
8 March 2023
Lifting sanctions may still be a bridge too far in becoming a sustainable supplier of crude to the US
Global LNG analysis report 2023 – Part 3
8 March 2023
The third part of this deep-dive analysis looks at liquefaction and regasification developments in the Europe and Russia
Azerbaijan cranks up volume as Russian gas alternative
24 February 2023
But threat of war, poor governance and regional rivalries hamper Azeri dream of tapping into Central Asian reserves
Europe’s confidence on gas may be premature
23 February 2023
The region has made significant progress on reducing exposure to Russian gas, but despite rosy assessments by politicians, challenges remain
Russian sanctions not watertight
21 February 2023
Moscow will likely still be able to find buyers and ships for its exports of crude and products despite the measures
Russia sanctions to create oil market slowburn
20 February 2023
Venezuela and Iran offer clues to potential effectiveness of the measures
Crude quality playing key role in oil flow reshuffle
13 February 2023
The war in Ukraine has rerouted oil market flows as European buyers look both close to home and far afield for replacements for Russian barrels
China and Russia deepen energy links
7 February 2023
But Beijing remains somewhat cautious in an attempt to avoid alienating the West
Russian firms exit Europe’s shrinking refining sector
2 February 2023
Hampered by sanctions and ill will, Russian majors are departing Europe, but refiners’ focus was already moving east
Beating the Russian products ban
27 January 2023
Legal and illegal efforts to skirt the prohibition are likely to intensify—especially in Turkey, the Balkans and Eastern Europe
Letter from India: Russian imports remain dominant
20 January 2023
India’s newfound reliance on discounted Russian crude continues to grow
Europe prepares for Russian product import ban
19 January 2023
The European products market is the latest battlefield in the conflict between Moscow and the West
Outlook 2023: The return of geopolitical risk in the energy market
22 December 2022
The Ukraine crisis has shaken the established norms of energy geopolitics and has set the world on a course that will see no return to the status quo of just one year ago
Where next in Europe’s diesel crisis?
5 December 2022
The fate of the continent’s supply crunch may lie elsewhere—in China, the Middle East and Russia
Outlook 2023: EU diesel demand begins to shift away from Russia
2 December 2022
Efforts to find alternative sources of middle distillate have proven sluggish but are starting to ramp up
Turkey’s gas hub pipe dream
28 November 2022
Erdogan and Putin’s rhetoric may be more about targeting domestic audiences than any realistic prospect of development
Letter from Eastern Europe: Western Balkans a test for energy diplomacy
24 November 2022
Common energy projects appear to be holding a famously fractious Balkan peninsula together—for now
Outlook 2023: Energy crisis puts political commitments to the test
23 November 2022
Governments around the world must decide how to approach the energy trilemma amid ongoing volatility
India courts foreign investors
22 November 2022
The government is seeking to revitalise the country’s upstream through a variety of reforms, says Petroleum Secretary Pankaj Jain
Outlook 2023: Tighter times ahead for oil
18 November 2022
Energy markets have had an extraordinary 2022, sparked by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and subsequent retaliatory action. But the full effect on the oil market has yet to be seen
EU refineries prepare for life without Russian crude
31 October 2022
European refiners have strong incentives to adapt to the technological and logistical challenges of the continent turning away from Russia
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