Outlook 2025: A new era in energy – how the UK offshore sector can lead in a competitive market
The government must take the opportunity to harness the sector’s immense potential to support the long-term development of the UK’s low-carbon sector
In today’s rapidly changing world, we face a unique set of challenges. The cost-of-living crisis, rising geopolitical tensions and the urgent need to address climate change create a landscape where collaboration between governments, industry and the public is essential. At the heart of these discussions is the need for economic growth driven by our offshore energy sector. For the past 50 years, this sector has been the backbone of the UK’s energy supply, meeting approximately 50% of our oil and gas needs. It supports more than 200,000 skilled jobs and contributes £30b ($39b) to the economy, providing a solid foundation for our energy future. The UK is home to a world-class energy supply chai

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