Tagged With Net zero
Investors warn against carbon removal
1 February 2023
UN-convened alliance of financial institutions demands focus on carbon mitigation rather than removal
CCUS expansion gaining momentum – IDTechex
30 January 2023
Capacity will reach 1.8gt/yr of CO₂ by 2043, according to modelling by research agency
Europe urged to fight US for low-carbon investment
17 January 2023
Continent should match US policies such as the Inflation Reduction Act to attract capital for net-zero push, says former vice-president Al Gore
Carbon at the centre of the energy transition
10 January 2023
Our newly rebranded service responds to feedback from customers on what they care about most
Outlook 2023: The full stack of energy flexibility markets
13 December 2022
As flexibility markets open up and evolve, they create new opportunities for businesses to realise value from their energy assets
Energy sector carbon emissions to peak in 2025 – IEA
27 October 2022
New policies in the EU, the US and China will cause emissions to peak this decade, the first time this has been forecast in an IEA Steps scenario
No new oil and gas to meet 1.5°C
24 October 2022
Report from IISD says new hydrocarbon investments are not compatible with 1.5°C carbon budgets
Transition investment falling short – Browne
18 October 2022
Annual investment only about a third of required levels as risks deter investors, say former BP chief and chair of Beyondnetzero
Firms still lag on net-zero targets
18 October 2022
Analysis by South Pole suggests major companies are still failing to set net-zero goals
International aviation agrees net-zero goal
10 October 2022
Sector now covered by long-term target for first time, but criticism remains over how it is to be achieved
UK launches net-zero review
27 September 2022
Former energy minister to lead review into net-zero strategy, with a focus on energy security and economic growth
New UK PM deprioritises climate
7 September 2022
Leadership campaign and recent appointment of a climate-change sceptic to lead on energy brief indicate a potential deceleration of the energy transition
CCS unfit for net zero – Ieefa
2 September 2022
Track record for operating and failed CCS projects indicates perverse incentives to continue or increase emissions, according to Ieefa report
Independent producers’ scope three dilemma
17 August 2022
Is it enough for pureplay upstream firms to concentrate solely on emissions within their control?
CCUS use must grow vastly to reach net zero
16 August 2022
Analysis of scenarios by Transition Economist shows that even recent positive developments are not consistent with required deployment pathways
Ipieca launches industry principles
11 August 2022
Global oil and gas association’s eight principles are grouped around four strategic pillars of climate, nature, people and sustainability
Burning developed fossil fuel reserves will exceed 1.5°C carbon budget
10 August 2022
Significant proportion of CO₂ from oil, gas and coal assets either producing or under construction must be left unburned, study says
India legislates on emissions
4 August 2022
Revision of energy conservation bill aims to enshrine updated NDC in law and introduce a carbon market
Australia set to pass climate bill
3 August 2022
New Labor government wins support from Greens for bill to reach net-zero emissions by 2050
UK must do more on climate targets – CCC
29 June 2022
Nation at significant risk of not meeting its fifth and sixth carbon budgets, says climate watchdog
Net-zero targets ‘inadequate’ to hit Paris goals – McKinsey
26 April 2022
Faster shift away from fossil fuels toward efficiency, electrification and new fuels needed to keep 1.5°C pathway in sight, according to consultancy
Greenwashing disputes on the rise
30 March 2022
Government enforcement actions and civil suits alleging greenwashing are increasing through a myriad of different laws, including securities regulations and consumer protection legislation
Ukib to focus on energy security and net zero – Sunak
21 March 2022
The UK treasury-owned bank must balance investments between energy security and long-term decarbonisation, says finance minister
Businesses join net-zero pledge
15 March 2022
One hundred more firms have signed a pledge to reach net-zero emissions by 2040, but more are needed, says former UN climate chief
Neptune says CCS can take it beyond net-zero by 2030
2 March 2022
UK-based independent oil and gas producer says CCS capacity can exceed scope one and three emissions by end of decade
China sees sharp rise in green bonds
22 February 2022
Issuance more than doubled in 2021 but remains well below level needed to finance the country’s transition
Equinor steps up emission reduction goals
10 February 2022
Norwegian energy group targets faster cuts in group-wide scope one and two emissions
Aviva fires warning on climate commitments
24 January 2022
Asset manager demands measurable progress on climate and sustainability by companies it invests in
How transition plans this decade can rewire finance for 1.5°C
20 January 2022
Transition plans should sit at the heart of investment and capital allocation strategies to kickstart what should be a decade of exponential change to ‘green’ all sectors of the economy
Outlook 2022: The greening of hydrocarbons
19 January 2022
A lower-carbon future will still involve fossil fuels
ExxonMobil targets net-zero scope one and two emissions by 2050
19 January 2022
Oil major plans to invest more than $15bn on low-carbon initiatives by 2027
Less ‘blah blah blah’ and more community action: Energy lessons for 2022
17 January 2022
The global energy community must build forward together in the coming year
Outlook 2022: Financing the countdown to net zero
14 January 2022
Investor interest in financing the energy transition is strong, but availability of capital often hinges on the maturity of each market segment, while the time needed to realise returns is challenging
Moller-Maersk targets net zero by 2040
13 January 2022
Firm will use methanol for shipping fuel and sustainable aviation fuels to reduce carbon footprint
Outlook 2022: Setting a strategy for net-zero steel
10 December 2021
Industry endorsement of the Net-Zero Steel Sector Transition Strategy promises to unlock decarbonisation in steel and beyond
Outlook 2022: Recovering the costs of the energy transition
8 December 2021
Recouping the cost of wide-ranging support payments in an efficient way is a major challenge and requires a new approach to avoid undesirable outcomes
ExxonMobil targets net zero in Permian by 2030
8 December 2021
Strategy includes end of routine flaring by end of next year and electrification of operations in New Mexico and Texas using low-carbon power
Only 10pc of energy companies aligned with Paris Agreement – TPI
25 November 2021
Majority of firms’ emissions reduction plans are insufficient to keep warming below 1.5°C
Enel brings forward net-zero target to 2040
24 November 2021
Group accelerates investment in renewables capacity and networks as it looks to electrify new sectors
More work needed on energy efficiency – IEA
17 November 2021
Improvement rate must double for net zero to be feasible, agency says
Cop26 pact demands stronger targets and faster transition
15 November 2021
Countries agree to phase down coal power and adopt global rules for carbon trade
Private capital committed to transition tops $130tn
3 November 2021
Transition finance has hit levels needed to deliver net zero in 2050, Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero tells Cop26
Saudi Arabia signs up to net zero
3 November 2021
Riyadh insists carbon neutrality is compatible with plans to raise oil and gas production
Shell defends itself against call for break-up
28 October 2021
Breaking up company, as activist investors want, would not help firm transition, say executives
Global climate commitments fall short – Unep
27 October 2021
Current pledges to Paris Agreement would lead to 2.7°C of global warming this century
Australia pledges net-zero emissions by 2050
26 October 2021
Government says clean technology can deliver bulk of cuts and rules out use of carbon taxes
UK includes aviation and shipping in emissions targets
21 October 2021
The country’s recently published Net Zero Strategy aims to reduce transport emissions by 22-33pc by 2030 and 46-59pc by 2035 compared with 2019 levels
UK to unlock £90bn transition investment by 2030
20 October 2021
Renewables, CCS, nuclear and hydrogen are all earmarked for government support, according to a recently published strategy
Chevron sets net-zero 2050 target for upstream emissions
11 October 2021
Firm also sets 2028 scope three emissions reduction target of 5pc below 2016 baseline by 2028
UAE declares 2050 net-zero target
7 October 2021
Opec member announces initiative ahead of Cop26
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