Tagged With Sanctions
Fears grow as Russian oil price cap looms
27 October 2022
Worries over unintended consequences of interference in traded markets increase as December nears
US seeks to reassure over Russia price cap
6 October 2022
The looming move threatens additional uncertainty and risk for the energy markets this winter
A Russia price cap: Too clever by half
26 September 2022
The proposed mechanism may cause Russia some pain, but its impact is likely overstated
Russian barrels continue to impact Iranian trade
13 September 2022
The sanctioned countries are competing in a limited illicit market
Why a Russian oil price cap is unlikely to work
18 July 2022
The notion of a limit on Putin’s oil export revenue is attractive, but it will be virtually impossible to make it work in practice
G7 targets Russian access to tanker insurance
6 July 2022
Group wants to cut Moscow’s hydrocarbon revenues, but even the most stringent sanctions have their limits out at sea
Russian crude displacement impacts Mideast producers
26 May 2022
Flows of Urals crude to Asian importers—in particular India—have spiked since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, according to price reporting agency GX
Oil sees muted spike on EU import ban
4 May 2022
The immediate impact of an official EU embargo on Russian crude and products may be outweighed by a longer-term reaction
Russia mulls producer support
26 April 2022
The Kremlin may change rules to soften the blow of any drop in production
Venezuela’s crude capacity in question
1 April 2022
Speculation over potential sanctions deal sparks debate on country’s capacity to raise output
Tanker market feels impact of Ukraine crisis
31 March 2022
The tanker freight market is having to deal with sanctions, uncertainties and shifting trade flows in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion
What China and India did next
29 March 2022
The appetite of the two East of Suez economies for Russian oil may prove crucial
Russia and China in it for the long term
29 March 2022
The relationship is likely to weather any temporary turbulence, even as it becomes ever more structurally unbalanced
Crude: The $225/bl bull’s view
29 March 2022
Doug King of fund manager and commodity trader RCMA sees far greater upside than down in the oil market
Letter from South America: Ukraine crisis brings opportunities and costs
28 March 2022
While the region’s crude producers stand to benefit from high prices, LNG importers will feel the pressure
Capital and technology could tip the Sino-Russian energy balance
24 March 2022
Beijing is not just a key customer for Moscow’s energy in an unwelcoming world. It can bring other necessities to the table, but at a price
TotalEnergies launches defamation action against French presidential candidate
24 March 2022
Green Party MEP had accused the firm of complicity in war crimes due to its stance on Russia’s invasion
Equinor’s Russian retreat heightens self-sanctioning price spike fears
15 March 2022
Consultancy Kpler suggests a slowdown in Russian flows might be about to show up in the data and is not priced in
China prioritises energy security
14 March 2022
The issue took centre stage at the Communist Party’s annual ‘two sessions’ meetings on economic policy for the year ahead
Russian aggression boosts China’s bargaining power
10 March 2022
With the Putin administration hard-pressed by Western sanctions, Beijing may look to take advantage
Costing a Russian oil supply gap
9 March 2022
Analysts see potential for $200/bl+ if it becomes ever more difficult in practice for Western nations to buy crude from Russia
US and UK ban Russian oil imports
9 March 2022
The allies call a halt to deliveries, but Biden seems accepting that more exposed European countries will not follow suit
Iran or pump prices: Biden’s thankless choice
3 March 2022
The US president may opt to do a JCPOA deal as a lesser evil than expensive gasoline
French economy minister to talk to TotalEnergies and Engie
1 March 2022
The major has failed to go as far as European IOC peers
Mispricing the Russia risk factor
9 February 2022
The oil market may be too complacent that the worst could never happen
TotalEnergies quits Myanmar
25 January 2022
The French major is transferring its stake in the Yadana gas field to its partners
Letter from the Middle East: Iran’s gas sector under pressure
25 January 2022
Tehran’s gas industry faces two old and two new problems
Trump's Iran move and oil
13 October 2017
The market should not ignore the geopolitical risks if the nuclear deal now unravels
Iran deals: The devil's in the details
26 September 2017
Firms contemplating business in the country must still cross a minefield of complex US regulations
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