Tagged With Renewables
9 January 2024
The hydrocarbons industry must start to deliver in 2024 on the quiet approvals granted at last year’s COP, which was also dubbed ‘Conference of the Petrostates’
20 April 2023
For Earth Day we focus on the headway made in recent years to improve sustainability and consider future challenges
5 July 2022
Colombia’s new president has no interest in arresting decline in the country’s oil and gas production
16 May 2022
Tariffs, location and bureaucracy are obstacles to be overcome to drive greater use of gas in Vietnam’s power sector
22 November 2021
The North American powerhouse will need to develop several energy transitions to green its economy, but has taken important baby steps
8 June 2021
Gas is caught between present reliance on coal and future growth for renewables
4 March 2021
The new administration has set lofty low-carbon ambitions but must take radical action to overhaul the nation’s energy mix
1 February 2021
Australian fund manager makes a premium bid based on the firm’s move away from gas, LNG and international expansion
30 November 2020
Renewables, desalination and hydrogen are all attracting official support and investment
23 November 2020
New legislation aids the country in reaching peak hydrocarbon production. But increased interest in renewables still poses stranded resources risk
5 November 2020
Oil and gas requirements in the region are unlikely to hinge on wind and solar build-out or a move to electric vehicles, at least in the near-term
30 October 2020
Opportunities to invest in offshore wind energy developments are being created by government measures from Japan to India
28 October 2020
The engine of global gas demand growth may be at risk of a fuel problem
1 October 2020
Initiatives to create market certainty and fix system constraints are creating an attractive investment environment
11 September 2020
Japan ignores strategic low-carbon energy options and risks muddling through by adding more coal
10 September 2020
Governments need to take a leading role in supporting technological development and tackling the emissions of legacy power and industrial facilities, he says
4 September 2020
The end of the Abe era is unlikely to lead the country to increase its unambitious target for renewables
28 August 2020
High investor demand, especially for energy transition bonds, set to be further boosted by introduction of German 'twin bunds'
28 August 2020
The German presidency of the EU Council aims for a recovery fuelled by renewables, but there is disagreement among member states over key climate targets
21 August 2020
A Democratic victory could spell an end to hostilities with the Islamic Republic of Iran and send a jolt through the global oil market
21 August 2020
Opposition politicians and media sniff blood over an economic revival strategy driven by natural gas, rather than renewables
13 August 2020
Tidal power facilities offer a clean and renewable energy but have struggled to attract the investment to finance substantial capex. The development of movable structures may mean this will change
29 May 2020
Energy funding poised to plunge as renewables fare better than fossil fuels
28 May 2020
The pandemic and resulting fall in demand for energy is hitting the willingness to fund oil and gas projects more than those involving renewable energy
19 December 2019
Japan's government is seeking to get as close as possible to carbon neutral by 2050
7 November 2019
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In the New Energy environment, culture may sometimes trump traditional calculations in determining deal success
31 October 2019
The metrics are very different, but global power market’s two growth engines are making efficiency gains
4 October 2019
An intensifying investor focus on sustainable investing and the climate emergency is impacting the oil and gas sector
3 September 2019
Former President Obama special assistant Jason Bordoff says that government and industry need to work together to tackle climate change
2 July 2019
The UAE's ambitious plans to sustain its petrodollars while evolving as a green pioneer will not come cheap. Is the capital available?
27 June 2019
Falling solar and battery storage costs, combined with a desire to save on infill gas use, are luring majors into Australia’s renewables generation sector
7 May 2019
The global trend towards the use of renewables is not denting the demand for older methods of power generation
23 April 2019
The world will still need oil and gas for the foreseeable future. But concerns over how much and for how long are stifling investment
12 March 2019
The natural gas sector needs to be prepared for declining demand after the mid-2020s—and there are doubts that it is
30 August 2018
More airlines are starting to use alternative fuels, but still on a very limited basis
6 July 2018
With prime minister Narendra Modi now less than a year away from a general election, his energy successes and failures will be in the spotlight
8 June 2018
EV sales are rising in the UK as political changes in Europe help fuel the transition away from fossil-fuel engines
13 April 2018
Governments want to remake their electric grids
7 March 2018
The country is adopting a new energy identity which gives emirates, other than kingpin Abu Dhabi, greater and more diverse roles
1 March 2018
The UK company's latest energy outlook flags up more diversity, but doesn’t predict an imminent collapse in oil demand
31 January 2018
An exclusive preview of our glorious leader's preface to the 2043 edition of Outlook
18 January 2018
While keeping oil at the core of its operations, Saudi Aramco is looking to a greener future and preparing to import gas for the first time
3 January 2018
Oil production, trade, renewables and technology top our list of major questions facing America's energy industry heading into the new year
1 December 2017
Harald Welzer's predictions in his book Climate Wars may be intellectually sound, but we hope he's wrong
10 November 2017
The Central American nation wants to make the most of its geographical position to supply the rest of the continent with energy
10 November 2017
More people worldwide are getting connected for the first time with renewables and off-grid systems are playing an increasing role, says International Energy report
25 October 2017
US energy secretary's subsidy plan gets a roasting
18 October 2017
The rapid uptake of renewables, energy storage and electric vehicles is changing demand patterns for consumers, infrastructure needs and risk, says DNV GL Energy CEO Ditlev Engel
13 October 2017
Conservation, EVs and renewables can play their part. But India wants much more yield from its own oil and gas resources too
11 October 2017
Ambitious targets on emissions must be met alongside economic growth