Tagged With PDV
26 January 2021
Venezuelan government makes moves to liberalise oil sector as economic sanctions push production to 50-year low
14 December 2020
The socialist regime may have strengthened its political control, but until US sanctions are unwound economic disaster will persist
1 May 2020
Oil production poised to plummet as global economic conditions prove nightmarish prospect for the country’s energy sector
17 March 2020
Sanctions, the oil price shock and the potential exit of Chevron multiply the country’s misery
1 November 2019
Venezuela misses crucial bond payment as danger of losing control of the US refiner looms
18 July 2019
Latin America's economically troubled oil giant faces the difficult task of significantly raising Asian crude grades
17 June 2019
President Nicolas Maduro is standing firm, despite oil production falling to levels not seen since the infamous oil lockout of 16 years ago
22 February 2019
Despite severe US sanctions, President Maduro is standing firm. But how long can the political impasse last while oil production continues to decline?
4 January 2019
Is the fragile market cracking under pressure? Despite some ambitious growth-oriented investments, some of the continent's traditional big guns will be facing challenges in 2019
12 July 2018
Patience is wearing thin among both China and other trading partners
14 May 2018
The Latin American producer's sharp fall in output has helped hold the cartel’s deal together
27 April 2018
Venezuela's state oil company is reeling from plummeting output and debts
16 April 2018
A Maduro loss in May's election could be a turning point, but recovery will be lengthy
29 March 2018
Production is likely to flirt with 1m barrels a day as the country's problems mount
27 March 2018
A steep production decline from the country is already priced in, but things could get even worse
26 March 2018
A busy political season will put recent market-friendly energy changes to the test
9 March 2018
Iran, Venezuela and North Korea are all potential flashpoints in 2018
2 March 2018
Caracas doesn't have an answer for the accelerating deterioration of the country's oil industry
9 February 2018
Production will continue to collapse, while the spectre of default looms large in 2018
29 January 2018
Collapsing shipments point to deep pain in the country's oil industry
24 January 2018
Politics again dragged down Venezuela's oil industry, but helped lift up Mexico and Argentina
16 January 2018
The Maduro government wants a new deal on its debt. Things are going to get messy
5 December 2017
The region has seen a decade of surging crude consumption come to a crashing halt. Refining woes mean imports are still on the rise
5 December 2017
Elections next year in Venezuela, Mexico and Brazil have pivoted politics to the region’s fore again. Can it break the self-destructive resource-nationalist cycle?
28 November 2017
A major general is replacing the oilmen that ran the industry which will worry investors and plunge the sector further into crisis
17 November 2017
Venezuela faces steep bond payments before the end of the year. It is looking to Russia to help keep it from default
15 November 2017
It's crunch time in Caracas after the country defaulted on two bond payments and oil output continued its freefall
12 October 2017
The Gulf Coast is now a force on global oil and gas markets, making the hurricanes that regularly ravage the region a greater threat to supply
6 October 2017
Plagued by debt, low oil prices and political turmoil, times have been troubled for Latin America's state-run energy firms
15 August 2017
The Venezuelan company's plunging revenues show it is still struggling with lower prices and falling output
2 August 2017
The oil market was waiting for an embargo. But a full blockade would have hurt American firms too
2 August 2017
Venezuela's national oil company is under pressure from low prices, plummeting output and several self-inflicted wounds
21 July 2017
As Donald Trump threatens to introduce measures against the South American nation's exports, the outcome could be ruinous for all concerned
17 May 2017
A Supreme Court ruling has given the president broad authority to strike oil deals. Will there be any takers?