Tagged With France
Global LNG analysis report 2023 – Part 3
8 March 2023
The third part of this deep-dive analysis looks at liquefaction and regasification developments in the Europe and Russia
Tanzania to see upstream consolidation
6 December 2022
French independent Maurel & Prom is seeking to expand its Tanzanian portfolio
Storage disincentives and regional dislocations roil European gas trading
23 August 2022
The loss of Russian volumes has made for unusual market conditions
Power demand threat to Europe’s winter gas security
22 August 2022
Greater-than-expected requirements to burn the fuel to keep the lights on could harm supply conservation efforts
Adnoc forgoes seasonal break
3 August 2022
The Emirati heavyweight is racing to bring on new gas production to exploit rampant global thirst for the resource
TotalEnergies launches defamation action against French presidential candidate
24 March 2022
Green Party MEP had accused the firm of complicity in war crimes due to its stance on Russia’s invasion
French economy minister to talk to TotalEnergies and Engie
1 March 2022
The major has failed to go as far as European IOC peers
France risks gas undershoot
22 May 2020
The need for flexible back-up for renewables and nuclear plants may mean the country needs more gas than it thinks
Energy transition no grounds for ‘culture war’
15 November 2019
The challenge of re-engineering the global energy system to meet or exceed Paris Agreement commitments is too important and too complex to be reduced to Right-Left squabbling
EU hopes against hope on Iran
29 August 2019
President Emmanuel Macron of France has offered himself as a broker in the US-Iran Gulf standoff, but the chances of an agreement are small
France faces carbon challenge
11 February 2019
President Macron will survive the yellow-vests protests, but his energy policy may not
Senegal seeks to avoid the oil curse
28 August 2018
Offshore oil and gas is set to flow within five years, and Senegal is bracing itself for the impact
Iberia waits on Europe's LNG sidelines
3 August 2018
Spain and Portugal want to become a gateway for Europe’s LNG imports, but cheaper pipeline gas is a formidable competitor
LNG in Europe: The heat is on
22 June 2018
Higher power demand due to hot weather helped pushed up European LNG demand in 2017. But the sector is far from buoyant
China goes for gas in Iran
5 June 2018
Beijing glimpses a Middle East energy consolidation, by replacing France's Total in South Pars gas expansion venture
Syria: ruthless business as usual
18 April 2018
The joint US-UK-French strikes on chemicals targets in Syria won’t affect the war—but they could damage Trump's image in the region
Europe to benefit from US exports
22 March 2018
Rising US supplies, expanding European demand and much available regasification capacity should increase liquidity in the Atlantic Basin
France's changing energy mix
21 February 2018
The Macron government faces the difficult task in 2018 of juggling competing demands for France's energy cocktail
North Sea's last hurrah
24 January 2018
M&A in the region picked up in 2017, but European output was still expected to wane
Volatile world
23 January 2018
Trump ditched Paris, Paris got Macron, Isis lost Mosul
France's Macronenergy
4 September 2017
France's new president has plans to transform his country's energy market. They are on a breathtaking scale
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