Tagged With Coal
Outlook 2023: Coal regains central role in volatile EU energy market
12 December 2022
Power generation fuel’s historical advantages of availability, affordability and reliability have once more prevailed as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine upends gas markets
Japan and South Korea prepare for crucial winter
27 September 2022
Nuclear availability and the extent of low temperatures will decide how much LNG they will need for the months ahead
Power demand threat to Europe’s winter gas security
22 August 2022
Greater-than-expected requirements to burn the fuel to keep the lights on could harm supply conservation efforts
Japan and South Korea promise little immediate LNG market relief
1 August 2022
East Asia’s power sector use may be poised to shrink from 2023, but demand for the fuel is expected to remain strong this year
Japan faces energy supply crisis
29 June 2022
The import-dependent nation is increasingly reliant on expensive spot LNG cargoes
Australia’s gas industry under fire
16 June 2022
The energy crisis on the country’s east coast is fuelling calls for resource nationalism
Three key hurdles for Vietnam’s LNG-to-power sector
16 May 2022
Tariffs, location and bureaucracy are obstacles to be overcome to drive greater use of gas in Vietnam’s power sector
China prioritises energy security
14 March 2022
The issue took centre stage at the Communist Party’s annual ‘two sessions’ meetings on economic policy for the year ahead
Outlook 2022: China’s mixed messages and changing paradigm
15 November 2021
The Asian giant may need to increase coal supply to outlast the winter, but it is clearly greening its long-term energy policy
Beijing strives to balance security and decarbonisation
15 October 2021
The ongoing global energy crunch underlines the difficult task facing China’s leaders in balancing energy supply security while reaching net zero in the next 40 years
China scrambles to meet energy demand
5 October 2021
The country is turning to gas to plug the gap in its energy supplies, but it will have to pay a hefty price
Letter from China: Beijing’s stability focus threatens climate goals
22 September 2021
The Chinese government’s renewed focus on centralised control and economic pressure may undermine decarbonisation efforts
Limited role for gas in India's energy mix
8 June 2021
Gas is caught between present reliance on coal and future growth for renewables
Letter from China: Coal phase-out raises energy security risk
28 April 2021
Coal’s long goodbye means Beijing will need to brace for reduced energy security
Fukushima still looms over energy decisions
11 September 2020
Japan ignores strategic low-carbon energy options and risks muddling through by adding more coal
Eastern European coal-to-gas switching enthusiasm builds
7 July 2020
Poland and the Czech Republic, long the continent’s coal champions, are having a rethink
The future of renewable energy
23 October 2019
Software will be increasingly important to manage renewable power into energy systems
Preparing the US for the energy transition
3 September 2019
Former President Obama special assistant Jason Bordoff says that government and industry need to work together to tackle climate change
Carbon price drives generating fuel switch
8 August 2019
Coal pays for its greater carbon intensity in a rising European CO2 price environment
Germany belatedly joins Europe's war on coal
29 July 2019
Europe’s largest coal consumer illustrates a pathway for the remaining hold-outs
The disappearing case for coal in the US
18 July 2019
A large wave of pit retirements may soon be followed by another
There's still life in coal
16 July 2019
Recent falls in the price of coal were due to increasing supply rather than declining demand
Coal clinging on in South and East Asia
15 July 2019
Global demand for coal to power continues to be king, but the upside may be limited
US coal-fired power generation faces competition
4 February 2019
The evolution of northeast US gas marketing may further cut capacity
Russia and coal to set European tone
29 January 2019
Gazprom's market share ambitions and the price at which power plant demand soaks up supply are 2019's key questions
South Africa urgently seeking gas as energy transition stalls
18 October 2018
South Africa’s power sector plans envisage a big role for gas, but first the country needs to find the feedstock
China: Enter the smokeless dragon
25 September 2018
Part of China’s blue-sky strategy is the switch from coal to natural gas—with an unexpected impact on the global LNG market
Continental contrasts
9 August 2018
Oil and gas production in North America is continuing its rising trend. Mexico's prospects are looking up, while Venezuela's hydrocarbon sector is collapsing
Perry stirs gas versus coal fight
25 October 2017
US energy secretary's subsidy plan gets a roasting
Greening China's power sector
9 May 2017
The country has shut down domestic output but a shift to cleaner fuels will be a slow one. And its coal import needs are showing no signs of abating
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