Tagged With Seth Haskell
Letter from Spain: Hydrocarbons are the present and future of tank storage
5 July 2024
Scepticism towards the energy transition reigns in the tank storage industry
Gas faces uphill battle in China and India
11 April 2024
The renewables revolution is not producing a gas boom in Asia’s largest countries, as incumbent energy sources coal and hydro retain an advantage
Indian LNG demand has questions to answer
4 March 2024
Despite predictions of explosive growth, price-sensitive buying behaviour and infrastructure challenges cast a pall over the outlook
Regulatory change threatens next wave of US LNG
30 January 2024
A potential policy shift has thrown the fate of c.100mt/yr of new US liquefaction capacity into doubt
Outlook 2024: US LNG – The next wave?
24 January 2024
The LNG build-out gaining momentum in the US since 2022 is unprecedented in its size, but as risks grow it will reach its peak in 2024
Southeast Asia embraces LNG
31 August 2023
Vietnam and the Philippines lay down a marker for the region’s growth prospects with new import terminals
Europe redraws lines on gas infrastructure map
17 July 2023
The continent’s gas revamp looks to both LNG and nearby pipelines
Russia struggles to reroute gas exports
5 May 2023
Distance and politics mean there are no easy solutions to Moscow’s pipeline problems
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