Tagged With Michelle Meineke
UAE aims to balance its diversification books
2 July 2019
The UAE's ambitious plans to sustain its petrodollars while evolving as a green pioneer will not come cheap. Is the capital available?
UAE aims to become oasis of stability in the Middle East
15 November 2018
The UAE’s energy plans are well-braced to help sustain investor confidence in the face of political and economic winds
Transport fuel’s day of reckoning
27 September 2018
Gulf refiners wonder how to cope with new green standards for shipping and aviation fuel
Gulf states eye enhanced future
26 July 2018
Oman is leading the way in Gulf EOR development, and its neighbours are fast realising its advantages
UAE—all hands on deck
7 March 2018
The country is adopting a new energy identity which gives emirates, other than kingpin Abu Dhabi, greater and more diverse roles
Port of Fujairah aiming high
27 October 2017
Logistical and political snags need skilful navigation to secure Fujairah's position as a world-leading energy and trading port
A clean slate for Gulf refiners
14 September 2017
The region's refiners have less than three years to play their ace card as the IMO implements new sulphur limits on bunker fuel from 2020
Kuwait's new dynamism
24 May 2017
The country wants to shake off its reputation for delays and energy sector in-fighting
Saudi Arabia pushes ahead with IPO
22 March 2017
The state firm is making the right noises about its privatisation, but the clock is ticking and market fundamentals could still shift
Count on Kuwait
9 February 2017
Kuwait thankful for cuts after missing output targets
Doha will deliver
9 February 2017
Qatar will have no trouble keeping its part of the deal
Cairo tries to calm riled Riyadh
27 January 2017
A delayed and much-needed $23bn oil-products package from Saudi Arabia to Cairo is part of a complex political narrative with few signs of an easy fix
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