Tagged With Anna Kachkova
Shell makes big bets on LNG
19 July 2024
Major sees huge opportunities with Pavilion Energy purchase and spate of global gas moves
ConocoPhillips looks beyond the Permian
4 July 2024
Marathon deal indicative of a maturing shale industry amid greater consolidation and fewer acquisition targets
Eni’s nimble energy strategy evolves
13 June 2024
Italian firm sharpens gas focus and ramps up E&P while pursuing satellite strategy
East Med gas producers show caution and commitment
25 April 2024
Some companies with assets in Israel have turned towards Egypt as tensions escalate, but others are holding firm despite rising tensions
Equinor streamlines its offshore strategy
3 April 2024
Exploration is providing mixed fortunes for IOCs amid higher costs, prompting firms to look towards M&A and safer plays
Shale gas industry consolidates in the shadows
23 February 2024
While US oil mega-mergers are grabbing all the headlines, there is also an understated revolution in the gas patch
Shell demonstrates renewed focus on hydrocarbons
31 January 2024
Gulf of Mexico moves suggest cautious optimism in region’s deep waters, with a shift to work smarter and balance risks
Mexico’s fledgling LNG export industry faces growth challenges
17 January 2024
While developers are making progress, infrastructure, regulatory and political uncertainties risk stunting opportunities
Energy majors’ strategies show signs of convergence
13 December 2023
While US megadeals may not be repeated on the other side of the Atlantic, there is now greater common ground between European and US energy companies
US shale response to oil price boost may be muted
18 September 2023
Behind the rig count data lie differences between public and private operators, acreage questions, the lure of returns and unwavering capital discipline
US Gulf continues to refine hurricane response
23 August 2023
Another Atlantic hurricane season is well underway and expected to peak in September, while the oil and gas industry on the US Gulf Coast continues to watch the weather with caution
Gibson buys Texas terminal amid bullish outlook for US oil exports
14 July 2023
Growing global thirst for light sweet crude contrasts with potential refining decline and risks of inland infrastructure bottlenecks at home
US shale starts 2023 in ‘realistic’ mood
25 May 2023
First-quarter shale results show ongoing restraint amid signs of cost deflation
Baytex deal could signal incoming US M&A wave
29 March 2023
Bumper cash flows along with diversification and consolidation strategies set stage for dealmaking
Shale drillers try to stay patient amid gas price slump
22 March 2023
Producers resist urge to respond too quickly to gas price trends
Freeport restart boosts US LNG exports
20 February 2023
The outage highlighted the tightness of the global LNG market, and its return should help keep a lid on prices
Tellurian suffers Driftwood LNG setbacks
20 October 2022
Cancellation of a bond sale and termination of SPAs spell trouble for the project
IRA gives US upstream tax and buyback headaches
17 August 2022
The landmark legislation with the unfortunate acronym has garnered a largely negative oil and gas industry reaction, barring a few exceptions
Hamm aims to take Continental back to the future
5 July 2022
Founder and chairman sees value in privacy
Ballymore FID no herald of GoM renaissance
7 June 2022
Forecasts are for moderate growth rather than a development bonanza fuelled by high oil prices
Ups and downs in Alaska
9 May 2022
Project-specific squabble and the Biden administration’s chillier attitude to oil and gas collide with high prices and oil supply security concerns
Letter from Edinburgh: Scotland’s oil balancing act
18 February 2022
The recent blow to plans for developing the Cambo oilfield illustrates the country’s changing and increasingly uneasy relationship with oil
Gas market lifts US LNG FID prospects
17 February 2022
The US became the world’s largest exporter of LNG last December, and recent global gas market trends bode well for the surging sector
Focused shale deals buck M&A slowdown
1 February 2022
Fewer North American corporate transactions may be done this year. But rationalisation of shale portfolios on an asset-specific basis should continue
Asian demand green lights US LNG
7 December 2021
Chinese deals are driving boom in cargoes and LNG export capacity
Uncertainty hangs over Permian permits
20 October 2021
Output may be climbing fast, but producers are still waiting for clarity from the government on the future of federal drilling
Enbridge’s Line 3 replacement enters final stretch
28 September 2021
The Canadian company is edging closer to startup on its long overdue pipeline project, but several potential hurdles still lie ahead
US LNG players boosted by offtake deal surge
16 August 2021
The market is in a considerably stronger position than it was last year, giving producers hope of sanctioning new capacity
Shell greenlights Whale venture
29 July 2021
Gulf of Mexico FIDs may be waning, but latest approval shows they can still be viable
Alaska labours to change direction
5 July 2021
Near-term output is expected to wane despite political backing for the Willow project
US eyes LNG decarbonisation
1 June 2021
Offsetting the carbon produced by export cargoes is gaining popularity but still needs better data overview
US refining makes a comeback
25 May 2021
The sector struggled to offset crushing demand losses in 2020, but recent M&A shows momentum change
Leaders emerge in US race to FID
30 April 2021
Projects face tough global competition for funding, but some lead the pack
Pandemic casts shadow on US midstream
15 March 2021
Lack of demand and permitting uncertainty paints gloomy picture for pipeline firms
US shale presses the reset button
9 March 2021
Upstream producers stress permanent financial change even as those with the greatest acreage and deepest pockets begin to stir
Mexican LNG offers sea change
22 February 2021
Shortening shipping times could deliver substantial gains to exporters, but they would still need to navigate the country’s complex regulation process
Rewriting the LNG rulebook
27 January 2021
New US Gulf Coast gas contract highlights the sector’s changing buyer-seller dynamic and increasing demand for pricing flexibility
US oil export infrastructure faces post-boom bust
20 January 2021
Previous anxieties over lack of infrastructure have been replaced with fears of looming overcapacity
Senate wins bolster Biden’s agenda
12 January 2021
The Democrat victories in Georgia dramatically change the political picture but do not pose an existential threat to the shale patch
Oil price collapse deals blow to Permian
11 March 2020
Plunging crude prices are bad news for US shale, with some producers set to be severely afflicted
Annova LNG grinds forward
6 February 2020
A recent pipeline access agreement is a step forward for the Gulf Coast LNG export project, but an FID still faces obstacles
Hess receives go-ahead for Bakken EOR
10 December 2019
US independent has been given approval by North Dakota regulators to proceed with an EOR pilot project that it hopes will help boost recoveries in the Bakken shale play
Water infrastructure booms with shale
26 November 2019
The US oilfield water-handling market is growing as shale production continues to rise, with the Permian Basin leading the way
Equinor sounds Eagle Ford alarm bell
19 November 2019
The Norwegian firm’s exit is another signal that US shale may no longer be the promised land
Deepwater Gulf exploration starts to rebound
29 July 2019
The US Gulf of Mexico is experiencing an uptick in exploration, but the way companies operate in the region has changed due to the downturn in oil prices
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