Australia’s Carnarvon eyes NWS resources
And the outlook for the country’s upstream appears to have improved following legal setbacks in 2023
Confidence is returning to Australia’s oil and gas sector, according to Philip Huizenga, CEO of Australian independent Carnarvon Energy. He told Petroleum Economist about the company’s plans to develop resources off the coast of Western Australia (WA). Carnarvon’s flagship asset is the Santos-operated Dorado field, part of the Bedout Basin on WA’s North West Shelf. Dorado is a “top quality” reservoir, said Huizenga, adding its oil comprises “light, sweet fluids”. The field itself lies in relatively shallow waters of around 90m depth and holds about 162m bl of recoverable oil, as well as around 750bcf of gas, and could eventually produce up to 100,000b/d. Discovery and appraisal were made in

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