Hydrocarbon Processing Refining Databook 2025: Americas
The US and Canada are boosting capacity builds for renewable diesel and biofuels, while Central and South American countries are investing heavily to upgrade and expand their domestic refining sectors
At 18.4m b/d, the US has the second-largest refining capacity in the world. Two primary refining trends—related to capex—are ongoing in the region: increased capacity builds for renewable diesel and increased capacity builds for biofuel production, primarily sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). US production of SAF increased from 2,000b/d to nearly 30,000b/d in 2024. Several additional SAF projects are under development. These projects are the result of the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Renewable Fuel Standard, and federal and state tax credits and incentives. The US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), passed in 2022, calls for US SAF production to reach 3b gal/yr by 2030 and up to 35b gal/yr

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