Tagged With Carbon permits
New umbrella CO₂ offset contract launched
21 June 2022
The GER contract has been designed to tackle some of the problems with existing voluntary carbon markets
Chinese ETS faces data issues
29 March 2022
Data quality and integrity must improve if world’s largest emissions trading system is to be effective in helping China achieve carbon targets, speakers tell event in Shanghai
ETS to remain heart of EU climate policy
24 March 2022
Carbon border adjustments could encourage scheme’s influence in other regions, according to panel
EU ETS prices fall sharply on Ukraine invasion
8 March 2022
Combination of factors has led to EU allowances losing a third of their value, but bullish factors remain on the horizon
ECB warns of energy transition inflation risk
11 January 2022
Gas supply imbalances and rising carbon prices could cause persistent pressure on consumer prices, ECB executive board member warns
Carbon markets poised for rapid growth
13 December 2021
Surging prices signal arrival of emerging asset class, with voluntary market expected to grow exponentially over coming decades, conference speakers say
EU carbon prices surge to record levels
8 December 2021
Number of investment funds active in EU ETS market up 50pc in 2021, exchange data shows
The role of a national carbon market in China’s carbon-neutral goal
26 May 2021
China’s centrally controlled economy means it can pull a broader range of levers to reduce national emissions than many other states
Global carbon markets look for boost from Cop26 talks
12 May 2021
Markets are taking hold anyway but more work is needed to refine rules
US carbon price still some way off
7 April 2021
Political reality means moves towards establishing a carbon price or a cap-and-trade system will at least have to wait until after mid-term elections
New Zealand’s revamped carbon market starts trading
19 March 2021
Enhanced system covers half of the country’s emissions to support its climate ambitions
Task force faces huge task to legitimise VCM
18 March 2021
Private sector faces tough goal of bringing together stakeholders to give structure to the voluntary carbon market
Speculators discover EU ETS—and like what they see
16 March 2021
Brushing aside debatable ethical considerations, traders have been pushing the world’s largest carbon market to record highs
China’s Five-Year Plan and ETS to see CO2 rising till 2030
10 March 2021
Concentration on reducing carbon intensity means total emissions are likely to continue to increase
Design of carbon markets is critical to success—CeraWeek
5 March 2021
While a global carbon price would be ideal, political reality means a regional and sectoral approach will be needed to make short- to medium-term progress
Carbon price drives European coal-to-gas switch
25 February 2021
The surge in carbon prices in recent months is having disproportionate impact on carbon-intensive coal, prompting operators to switch to gas wherever possible
‘Protective’ border carbon tariffs gaining currency
11 February 2021
EU edges closer to import duties based on carbon content amid concern about impact on international trade
EU carbon price nears €40 as speculators move in
10 February 2021
The surge in trading cannot be explained by fundamental demand from utilities
Biden’s climate stance spurs business interest in CO2 pricing
29 January 2021
A growing number of companies and business associations have expressed support
Net-zero drive triggers surge in voluntary offset interest
21 January 2021
Voluntary carbon offsets permanently retire allowances and therefore verifiably lock in climate benefits
China’s carbon market not yet fit for purpose
13 January 2021
Announcement of the scheme is encouraging, but it will not be effective until an absolute cap is placed on emissions
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