Tagged With Killian Staines
California LCFS market braced for stricter targets
2 August 2023
Low Carbon Fuel Standard credit prices bottoming out despite continued surge in renewable diesel supply
Washington carbon prices surge above California
28 June 2023
Prices in the newest US regional emissions trading scheme spike above more established California market on the back of more ambitious reduction target
Germany launches carbon CfD scheme
6 June 2023
Government expects to budget more than €10bn for subsidy programme in response to US IRA
Germany launches carbon CfD scheme
6 June 2023
Government expects to budget more than €10bn for subsidy programme in response to US IRA
Voluntary carbon offset prices fall
1 March 2023
Uncertainty over integrity of offsets has weighed on prices since the start of the year, brokers tells Carbon Economist
Beccs seeks scale in ‘decisive decade’
15 February 2023
Commercial plants yet to launch but growing pipeline of projects could deliver tenfold increase in capacity by 2027
CBL exchange eyes growing share of offset trade
10 February 2023
Exchange traded volumes rising as voluntary carbon market matures, CBL’s parent company Xpansiv tells Carbon Economist
Core carbon principles could boost voluntary market
30 January 2023
Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market to launch finalised Core Carbon Principles for credit programmes and projects, the body’s chair tells Carbon Economist
Netherlands backs Porthos carbon storage facility
19 December 2022
Dutch government is set to underwrite contracts for CCS project while it pushes ahead with parallel Aramis development
Stronger price signal could boost Aussie CCS
13 December 2022
Australia recently cut some funding for CCS, but reforms to the country’s Safeguard Mechanism may boost the industry
Direct air capture must cut costs to succeed
29 November 2022
Project developers believe dramatic reductions are possible, but only with global policy support
Lithium shortage to slow Europe's battery growth
15 November 2022
Volatile power prices have boosted revenues, but new entrants faced with higher capex thanks to spiking lithium prices
Renewables count the cost of rate hikes
27 October 2022
Levelised cost of electricity rises on higher cost of capital but renewables remain highly competitive against fossil fuels
Industry frets over EU power revenue caps
25 October 2022
Patchwork approach could damage wholesale markets and discourage investment in renewables, industry groups say
Early days for nuclear SMR sector
6 October 2022
Industry needs more certainty on siting and finance before sector moves forward
Grid connection queues threaten US renewables goals
28 September 2022
Concerns about pace of expansion as average wait time for renewable power projects seeking grid connections reaches almost four years
US takes on offshore permitting bottleneck
8 September 2022
Funding boost for Bureau of Ocean Energy Management aimed at speeding up leasing and permitting of proposed projects
Renewable CfDs still in demand despite power price surge
2 September 2022
Renewable generators still drawn to price certainty despite lure of soaring spot markets and PPAs
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