Engineering the world’s largest post-combustion CCS plant
As part of the UK’s Humber Zero initiative, CCS plants will be retrofitted to a combined-cycle natural gas power plant adjacent to the Humber oil refinery
The Humber region is home to many of the UK’s critical industries, including power generation, chemicals manufacturing and refining. Together, the facilities in the region emit more than 12mn t/yr of CO₂. Their decarbonisation is pivotal to achieving the UK’s ambition to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. VPI—a power generator and owner of a 1,260MW combined-cycle natural gas power plant based in Immingham, UK, adjacent to the Humber oil refinery—is set to play a key role in decarbonising the region. With plans to transform its existing facility into the largest post-combustion carbon capture plant of its type in the world. This carbon-capture technology aims to reduce the CO₂ intensity of its
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