Tagged With Storage
China’s gas storage reliance grows
23 November 2022
Despite technical challenges and slow development times, storage capacity is expanding
Europe tops storage targets
31 October 2022
Europe has already exceeded its gas storage targets for this winter, but risks remain
Storage disincentives and regional dislocations roil European gas trading
23 August 2022
The loss of Russian volumes has made for unusual market conditions
Record prices reflect Europe’s winter gas fears
18 August 2022
It is difficult to predict just how the continent’s supply and demand will balance
Chinese policies hint at future gas plans
26 May 2022
The 14th Five-Year Plan is underway, and the specific roadmap for gas is due later this year
Dangote on track for Q4 commissioning
22 April 2022
Previous updates on Africa’s largest refinery had been no more specific than sometime in 2022
European gas market faces another uncertain year
28 January 2022
The lack of Russian gas and LNG capacity constraints threaten Europe with a shortfall of supply
US LNG eases European storage crisis
20 January 2022
The US is set to play an even larger role in the global gas market this year, with the country gearing up to overtake Australia as the world’s largest LNG exporter
China falls short on gas storage
9 February 2021
Asia’s biggest gas market has a way to go to meet its storage capacity targets
Financing solar-plus-storage
13 August 2020
Adding battery storage to solar projects alleviates intermittency and curtailment issues but brings contractual and financing issues
Producers’ mindset needs to change
20 April 2020
Storage logistics have never been more challenging, playing to oil traders’ strengths. Pure producers’ structural lack of patience may only assists them
Approaching tank tops to further pressure oil
26 March 2020
Two analysts agree that crude oversupply will exhaust storage space in a matter of weeks
LNG: Churning it out
16 November 2017
Producers face a further period of low prices as more production comes online
Perry stirs gas versus coal fight
25 October 2017
US energy secretary's subsidy plan gets a roasting
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