Tagged With Power trading
Shell and Octopus join ‘Big Six’ in backstopping UK supplier collapses
30 September 2021
Oil major and established independent step in as smaller new gas and power market entrants flounder
European power trading innovation: The rise of non-traditional actors
18 May 2021
In the new world of decentralised generation, batteries, EVs and more sophisticated demand-side response, almost any organisation of size is potentially a power market participant
European power trading innovation: Regulatory change transforms the landscape
15 May 2021
The rise of intermittent generation is not the only agent of change in electricity markets. Rule changes can also have a significant impact
European power trading innovation: Old dogs learn new tricks
7 May 2021
The founders of Energy Quantified by Montel have built analysis models before. But this time they have torn up the rulebook
European power trading innovation: The rise of PPAs
5 May 2021
The end of guaranteed prices for renewables generation is sparking a revolution in risk management
European power trading innovation: Retaining the special sauce
4 May 2021
Complex intra-day power markets increasingly require AI support. But it is important market actors have their own proprietary solutions
European power trading innovation: The rush to intra-day
29 April 2021
The profits to be made from optimising a portfolio on a close-to-real-time basis have driven a significant shift in the market
European power trading innovation: Taking the short term to the long
27 April 2021
The rise of renewables has revolutionised short-term trading. But that will have a feedback loop to the longer-term market
European power trading innovation: The imperfection of data
26 April 2021
While transparency and data provision have made huge strides, there are still information gaps and quality problems, warns the founder of UK power analysis firm Catalyst Commodities
European power trading innovation: Data begets more data
20 April 2021
Historic and real-time fundamentals are not the only information show in town, says software provider Kyos
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