Tagged With Keystone XL
Letter from Canada: Keystone XL’s demise a fiasco and opportunity
26 January 2021
The Canadian oilsands industry should now be clear where it stands and plan accordingly
Biden tacks left on energy
28 July 2020
The Democratic candidate has a healthy lead heading towards the November US election and a manifesto that will strike fear into the heart of the shale patch
Canada's climate wars
9 March 2018
Chris Turner's new book is a thorough account of how Alberta's oil sands became one of the energy world's hottest properties—and its most controversial
Energy risk in all shapes, all sizes
27 February 2018
Geopolitics may be bullish or bearish. But it will almost certainly bring volatility to the oil market
Canadian rocky road to recovery
23 February 2018
Oil output is still ticking higher, but depressed prices and persistent pipeline problems are weighing on the industry
Shrinking Canadian expectations
22 February 2018
The future of unconventional gas drilling in the western basins is uncertain because of the cancellation of several high-profile LNG projects
Trump's America
22 January 2018
A new president brought change on the regulatory front while tight oil rose again
Canada: Trump OK is not the end of the line for Keystone XL
28 March 2017
The challenges are not over for the pipeline which will run from Alberta to the Gulf Coast
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