Tagged With IOCs
Petronas pulls out of South Sudan
19 August 2024
Uncertainty persists in South Sudan’s oil sector, potentially threatening the viability of the young nation itself
ConocoPhillips looks beyond the Permian
4 July 2024
Marathon deal indicative of a maturing shale industry amid greater consolidation and fewer acquisition targets
Looming elections push Mozambique LNG startups towards 2030
3 July 2024
Two big onshore developments face further delay as lenders wait on poll results within the country and in the US
Eni sees gas as long-term energy solution
2 July 2024
The Italian IOC sharpens focus on gas but sees ‘no one solution’ to the energy transition
Expanded Afentra eyes fresh growth
27 June 2024
The independent is keen to supply feedgas for Angola LNG and is assessing opportunities both in and beyond the southern African nation
Namibia’s success boosts other frontiers
26 June 2024
Exploration efforts are increasingly spreading into South African and even South American waters
‘Monsieur Afrique’ says gas is the big frontier exploration
21 June 2024
Panoro Energy’s senior advisor, Tim O’Hanlon, is upbeat on Gulf of Guinea upstream opportunities but highlights gas and LNG as next big growth story
Senegal starts crude production
18 June 2024
This will be a transformative year for the West African nation, as first LNG is also expected before the end of 2024
Canada’s Valeura eyes fresh deals after Thai expansion
17 June 2024
The company is also working to sustain output from its Thai-focused portfolio into the 2030s
Eni’s nimble energy strategy evolves
13 June 2024
Italian firm sharpens gas focus and ramps up E&P while pursuing satellite strategy
Trinidad and Tobago pushes for revival in upstream fortunes
30 May 2024
Woodside, BP and Shell are among the companies actively pursuing gas developments in the country’s waters
Angola project thwarts upstream decline
29 May 2024
Kaminho deepwater FID raises hopes of reigniting much-needed further investment in ailing sector
Sao Tome and Principe may be poised for exploration revival
13 May 2024
But optimism about island nation checked by competition around African upstream investment and history of false dawns
Eni and Neptune sign acquisition deal
29 June 2023
The Italian firm continues to increase the share of gas in its growing portfolio
Letter from Canada: Oil sands return to domestic ownership
9 May 2023
Continuing exodus of foreign companies means assets are coming back to Canadian-headquartered firms
Central Africa’s upstream attracts IOCs
4 May 2023
Recent announcements demonstrate sustained interest in the mature region, especially among independents
Russia hopes China can fill IOC gap
21 April 2022
Moscow is attempting to deepen its close cooperation with Asian countries—in particular China—to minimise the impact of sanctions on its oil and gas sector
Outlook 2022: IOCs face scope three emissions challenges
6 December 2021
Quantifying CO₂ emissions from processes outside of a firm’s control—never mind influencing and reducing them—represents a hugely complex new undertaking
Iraq’s China embrace not without risks
20 July 2021
The Middle Eastern state’s welcome of Chinese investment is understandable, but not unproblematic
Myanmar crisis puts IOCs in a bind
13 May 2021
Oil companies active in the country face difficult choices as pressure to disengage intensifies
Letter from Amsterdam: Europe’s IOCs first out of the blocks
27 April 2021
As investor sentiment shifts, companies that align with the transition have a significant competitive edge
Oil firms ready to pick up the infrastructure divestment pace
13 July 2020
Pipelines, storage facilities and processing plants could replace non-advantaged production as prime candidates
Caution creeps into investors’ oil and gas infrastructure appetite
7 July 2020
The US downturn and the inexorable rise of ESG concerns are clouds on the horizon even for traditionally low-risk energy investments
IOCs put on show of strength in bond markets
5 May 2020
Majors have issued bonds and cut expenditure in equal measure, ensuring a buoyant market for their debt
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