Tagged With Equatorial Guinea
Indies look to Equatorial Guinea as ExxonMobil pulls out
24 April 2024
But even planned exploration activity is unlikely to reverse declining output from mature fields
Central Africa’s upstream attracts IOCs
4 May 2023
Recent announcements demonstrate sustained interest in the mature region, especially among independents
Vaalco looks to expand
7 November 2022
Independent’s CEO sees further opportunities for growth in Africa post-Transglobe merger
Vaalco project set to boost Equatorial Guinea’s upstream
29 September 2022
Houston-based independent plans to start oil production in the country in 2026
Central Africa eyes regional pipeline network
26 September 2022
Ambitious plans for a cross-border network of oil and gas pipelines in central Africa have some significant backers but will likely struggle to secure funds from traditional sources
Can sub-Saharan Africa help fill the EU’s gas gap?
31 May 2022
Africa has potential to expand LNG exports, but its additional contribution is likely to remain limited
Equatorial Guinea advances upstream ambitions
27 January 2022
Recent deal with Chevron suggests the country’s upstream sector is gaining momentum
Gulf of Guinea piracy worsens
5 March 2021
Maritime regulators and the shipping industry issue warnings over escalating frequency, severity and range of pirate attacks
Access to capital key to Panoro growth
22 February 2021
The producer’s CEO tells Petroleum Economist about its recent acquisitions and the prospects for maturing oil and gas assets in Africa
Equatorial Guinea prepares for new era for oil
15 October 2019
‘Drill or drop’ policy will soon result in a new set of license holders that the government hopes will kick-start the West African country’s oil industry
Malabo's dash for gas in Equatorial Guinea
10 July 2019
Equatorial Guinea has secured fresh supply for its LNG plant, but can it build on that success?
Etinde gas export project hangs in doubt
11 June 2019
New reserve assessments and government talks will shape the Cameroon project's future
Equatorial Guinea throws down the gauntlet
18 April 2019
The west African state’s hopes of restoring oil output rest on the reception given to its 2019 licensing round
Use it or lose it, Equatorial Guinea tells drillers
3 October 2018
The West African state wants to see more activity from oil firms now the oil price has recovered, and is launching a new bid round
Help not hinder Africa
12 July 2017
Oil in Africa has a bad press—but it needn't be that way, argues a new book
Capacity up, supply down in Angola
30 January 2017
Angola says it has already begun to reduce supply but how and where is unclear
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