Tagged With Electricity
28 July 2022
Economic difficulties mean the outlook for H2 remains highly uncertain despite planned stimulus measures
29 November 2021
Extreme price volatility as electricity systems adapt to greater intermittent renewable penetration serves as a reminder of the role legacy assets still have to play
4 May 2020
Plunging domestic energy demand is raising concerns that Covid-19 will slow the growth of renewables
31 March 2020
The market share of challengers hits a landmark figure, but M&A could remake a hegemony, simply with different actors
26 February 2020
Climate change and regulatory intervention are combining to create unprecedented opportunities across the energy sector
12 September 2019
Electrification and changes to the energy mix, if supported by governments, would mean climate goal is within reach—DNV GL
17 July 2019
PWC sees value for IOCs as the traditional utility model becomes less relevant
3 June 2019
Financial and regulatory challenges are curbing the ambitions of major oil companies' ambitions to invest in the electricity supply sector
6 December 2017
Oleg Budargin, Vice Chairman of the World Energy Council and former CEO of Rosseti, the biggest energy networks operator in Russia, tells World Energy Focus why it is important for countries to work together in the field of energy integration
10 November 2017
More people worldwide are getting connected for the first time with renewables and off-grid systems are playing an increasing role, says International Energy report
11 October 2017
Ambitious targets on emissions must be met alongside economic growth
4 September 2017
France's new president has plans to transform his country's energy market. They are on a breathtaking scale
4 September 2017
Europe's energy supply mix is changing again. It won’t be good news for the climate targets
24 July 2017
Weak prices are an opportunity for LNG-to-power developers. But projects need the right partners and location to succeed