Tagged With Cyprus
Turkey reignites East Med boundary dispute
19 October 2022
A new deal heats up simmering clash over exploration rights
Eni and TotalEnergies strike more gas in Cyprus
23 August 2022
The European producers celebrate further success in Block 6 but the East Med export conundrum remains unsolved
East Med aims to reap renewed gas appetite dividend
29 April 2022
Europe’s new urgency to diversify from Russian supply should offer opportunities, according to regional producer Energean
Exit options still cloud Cyprus gas optimism
14 December 2021
Post-pandemic green shoots for the island nation’s fledgling upstream industry are blighted by the same old questions
Cause for quiet optimism in the East Med
22 December 2020
Political stability and multilateral collaboration are essential to fulfilling the region’s economic potential
Election blow to Cyprus gas prospects
30 October 2020
The emergence of a new Turkish Cypriot leader with close ties to Ankara is likely to worsen offshore tensions
Cyprus eyes natural gas era
15 August 2020
LNG imports are a first step. Exports and bunkering may come next
Turkey drills in troubled waters
25 June 2020
The deployment of the Yavuz in a section of the Mediterranean claimed by Cyprus pushes the region closer to open conflict
Aphrodite feels the love
12 November 2019
Cypriot energy minister Georgios Lakkotrypis issues the country’s first exploitation licence to the Aphrodite consortium to export gas to Egypt
Cyprus pursues LNG import and export options
11 October 2019
In early 2020, the Cypriot government will award LNG supply contracts, while revisiting LNG export plans
Turkey turns up the Cypriot heat
8 October 2019
Cyprus hopes international pressure will stop Turkish drilling in the country's offshore
Cyprus offshore: Turkey turns up the heat
12 June 2019
The prospects for monetising natural gas discovered off Cyprus have risen, but so has the geopolitical temperature
Egypt looks to LNG quick fix
29 April 2019
Off-take agreements complicate Egyptian option
Cyprus ponders gas monetisation options
29 April 2019
New natural gas discoveries offshore Cyprus have revived the possibility of the island hosting an LNG plant
ExxonMobil gas discovery boosts Cyprus’ energy hopes
28 February 2019
The find may revive interest in establishing an LNG plant on the island
Egypt's gas paradox
28 February 2019
Importing gas may seem counterintuitive, but a deal to do just that is part of the country's gas renaissance
Hopes run high for the East Med
31 January 2019
Possible major new discoveries, along with rising production and simmering regional geopolitics, make 2019 a year of reckoning
East Med presses upstream buttons
24 January 2019
Six Eastern Mediterranean states will be drilling for hydrocarbons in 2019, but, as always, the politics is complicated
East Med rides the waves
13 December 2018
Egypt, Israel and Cyprus all saw progress in their ambitions to develop the prodigious East Med basin in 2018
East Med's best is yet to come
11 September 2018
The East Med has enjoyed deep water success over recent years and there are new developments to watch out for
Israel faces upstream reform challenge
11 September 2018
A government committee has failed to tackle the root causes of a slump in upstream expansion, argues energy analyst Gina Cohen
Greece presses the E&P button
3 September 2018
Plans for deep-water exploration have raised hopes of an eventual major natural gas discovery, while onshore oil development is progressing slowly
An East Med gas renaissance
17 May 2018
After years of inertia, the prospects for the region's gas finally moving towards markets are improving
Cyprus: long wait for celebration
19 April 2018
The rising prospect of East Med natural gas sales is lifting Cyprus' hopes of finding a market, despite Turkish threats
The Zohr effect
15 March 2018
Hopes are high of fresh finds in the area
Diverse East Mediterranean outlook
6 February 2018
Egypt will enjoy a gas boom, while Cyprus and Israel struggle to find export markets
East Mediterranean—a mixed bag
12 December 2017
While Egypt's gas output is set to soar, Cypriot and Israeli exports are being curtailed by regional politics and low prices. It's a mixed outlook for East Mediterranean gas
Cyprus catching up?
31 October 2017
Egypt is far ahead in the race to be the top East Med gas producer, but Cyprus is hoping it will soon move into second place
Full steam ahead for Egypt
24 October 2017
An expanded role for private investment in Egypt's natural gas sector will catalyse the country's drive to become a regional energy hub
Greece's time for another look
19 July 2017
The country's offshore has been ignored for years, but discoveries in surrounding regions have piqued interest
Cyprus: gas falls victim to unity failure
10 July 2017
The collapse of UN-brokered talks in Switzerland to reunify the island is a setback for Cypriot offshore gas ambitions
Cyprus dreams again
24 May 2017
Developers working offshore the island think they may be about to unlock vast new reserves. Taking them to a depressed market will be much harder
The Mideast's gas paradox
3 April 2017
It is home to the world's biggest exporter—and also some of its fastest-growing consumers. Yet intra-regional trade remains thin
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