Tagged With Brazil
4 March 2025
The US and Canada are boosting capacity builds for renewable diesel and biofuels, while Central and South American countries are investing heavily to upgrade and expand their domestic refining sectors
13 February 2025
New supply from Argentina, Brazil and Guyana is rich in middle distillates, but optimism in terms of volume growth remains tempered by regulatory and technical risks as well as price volatility
1 July 2024
Political rancour is rising as politicians appeal for environmental licence to explore the mouth of the Amazon
25 January 2024
Despite environmental criticism, President Lula sees opportunity to build bridges with OPEC+ allies
1 September 2023
Soaring pre-salt production sees Latin America’s largest country pull away from the local competition
23 May 2023
The five economies are shaking up global markets, and they could be on the cusp of a major break from the existing order
8 February 2023
Investors are wary about government intervention as the NOC welcomes its latest CEO
1 November 2022
M&A activity may have slowed in recent months, but turbocharging production is the new goal for the country’s emerging independents
20 October 2022
Ballot box verdict could prove existential for the NOC, amid controversial calls from the incumbent to break apart the Brazilian energy giant
9 September 2022
The upcoming election pits the right-wing incumbent against a left-wing former president
16 August 2022
Petrobras is starting to see significant production gains in the pre-salt, while independents are already raising output at fields divested by the NOC
26 July 2022
Distributor CDGN has an agreement for gas, but flexible contracts and limited output mean Bolivian volumes are likely to continue to flow to the highest bidder
4 July 2022
Threat of subsidies and political interference grows as under-pressure president refuses to accept rising domestic fuel prices
28 June 2022
The RNEST, Repar and Refap facilities are open for offers again, but the divestment programme’s future is in doubt
31 May 2022
As Petrobras starts to wind down its portfolio divestment, Brazil is entering a new era of upstream consolidation
19 April 2022
Brazil and Colombia may be about to follow the pattern of their neighbours in taking a political left turn
28 March 2022
While the region’s crude producers stand to benefit from high prices, LNG importers will feel the pressure
14 February 2022
The sector is attracting attention from both domestic and international firms
9 February 2022
Norwegian firm reports healthy progress on its Brazilian portfolio
8 February 2022
Brazil stands out from the rest of the continent in terms of growth potential
1 February 2022
The northeastern Brazilian offshore province is poised to make progress this year
21 January 2022
Declining production and cheaper LNG threaten the country’s role as gas supplier to its neighbours
20 January 2022
The German independent is overhauling its Latin American portfolio
17 January 2022
Peruvian firm signs deal to increase export volumes and looks at ways to further bolster them
20 December 2021
The world has no lack of recoverable oil and gas resources. But where they will come from in the future will change
30 November 2021
The offshore region is poised to significantly ramp up production as more midstream gas infrastructure reaches startup and divestments keep coming
21 October 2021
President Bolsonaro considers privatising the NOC as fuel prices climb and divestments drag
12 October 2021
The NOC has added another sale to its long list of divestment targets
11 October 2021
Bidding round deemed a disappointment after most operators steer clear
7 October 2021
Government inaction and rapidly changing climate have combined to highlight the importance of diversifying the country’s energy mix
5 October 2021
The energy transition is increasing the risk of huge discoveries becoming stranded indefinitely
4 October 2021
Pledge to divest half of the company’s refining capacity by year-end is starting to look doubtful
2 September 2021
The operator is expanding its footprint in the country’s northeast and has drilling plans for the Middle East
31 August 2021
The company has plenty of onshore growth opportunities to match its midstream capacity and increase its stake in the country’s upstream
26 August 2021
Political and financial motivations vary, but the region is noticeably lurching towards greater resource nationalism
24 August 2021
Supply- and demand-side factors pushed contracts to multi-year highs in recent months and may continue to lend support going into the fourth quarter
12 August 2021
The operator is doubling down on its core Colombian asset base, divesting non-core assets across South America
9 August 2021
Fading market volatility and rising global energy demand should boost the operator’s focus on pre-salt crude growth
26 July 2021
The independent is rapidly expanding its footprint in Brazil and may not have finished just yet
15 July 2021
Extreme dry spell is highlighting the need to kickstart the country’s gas liberalisation efforts
1 July 2021
Upstream firms are opening their wallets again as offshore prospects look more lucrative
28 June 2021
The auctioning process for the Transfer of Rights fields has been streamlined, and hopes are high for a better showing at the end of the year
24 June 2021
The previously exploration-focused firm has expanded its footprint offshore Brazil and is now eyeing further production opportunities
25 May 2021
Portfolio rebalancing is helping boost M&A activity across the continent
20 May 2021
Surging pre-salt oil production will rely on the region for future revenues and rising exports
20 April 2021
The pandemic has showcased the importance of reaching digital maturity, and state oil companies are taking notice
13 April 2021
Downstream divestment programme at risk as federal office scrutinises auction
16 March 2021
Court case vindication could open the door to next year’s election, with implications for the NOC and wider energy reforms
4 March 2021
The pandemic wreaked havoc on NOC balance sheets in 2020, but the region still has some competitive advantages
3 March 2021
The company’s pre-salt portfolio helped offset last year’s economic crisis, but investors will still be nervous about potential downstream interference