Tagged With Abu Dhabi
Mideast upstream long-term outlooks diverge
2 February 2023
The region’s producers have their own specific goals and face drastically different challenges
Adnoc and Petronas sign exploration deal
8 December 2022
The Middle Eastern NOC is tapping Malaysian expertise to help it develop an unconventional resource
Pandemic strains Gulf’s domestic energy balances
11 December 2020
International attention may have focused on their Opec+ oil market stabilisation role. But the region’s NOCs have had concerns closer to home
Adnoc toasts its resilience
22 June 2020
Reforms in response to the last industry downturn have equipped Abu Dhabi’s oil heavyweight to cope with the current crisis
A slimmer, fitter Adnoc
12 March 2018
With an eye on new paths being followed by NOCs in the neighbourhood, Abu Dhabi is injecting new energy into the firm
Reflections on the Gulf
10 October 2017
Based on personal memories, Gerald Butt evokes the atmosphere in the Gulf at the dawn of the oil boom era
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