Tagged With Stuart Penson
Chevron joins AI gas-to-power push
29 January 2025
Oil and gas firm backs Trump agenda as it unveils plan to deploy gas-fired capacity to power US datacentres
Oman can be top Middle East hydrogen exporter, IEA says
14 June 2023
Meeting 2030 production target requires $33bn of investment and a massive buildout of renewables, the IEA says in gushing report on the Gulf state’s hydrogen potential
Energy firms face rising offset cost burden – PWC
30 May 2023
Spending on voluntary offsets by UK companies could equate to 8.5pc of 2022 gross profits by 2050, consultancy says
Ineos Energy leans into oil with US shale deal
9 March 2023
Company ready to develop Eagle Ford shale after $1.4bn deal with Chesapeake Energy, chairman Brian Gilvary tells Petroleum Economist in an interview
Ineos Energy leans into oil with US shale deal
9 March 2023
Company ready to develop Eagle Ford shale after $1.4bn deal with Chesapeake Energy, chairman Brian Gilvary tells Hydrogen Economist in an interview
Wintershall eyes Algeria in post-Russia reboot
28 February 2023
The German producer is focusing on the North African country as it looks to strengthen its gas portfolio following its exit from Russia, COO Dawn Summers says in an interview with Petroleum Economist
Delfin eyes emerging US export strategy
30 September 2022
The company expects more US gas producers to target international markets as it signs a deal with Devon Energy and nears FID on its FLNG project
Germany plans two LNG terminals as Russia crisis deepens
28 February 2022
Government acts to shore up energy supplies with new gas sources but insists policy dovetails with net-zero transition
UK’s flexibility funding gap presents investment opportunities
28 February 2022
Substantial private sector finance needed to back a rapid scale-up of low-carbon flexibility technologies as UK decarbonises its energy system
Oil demand may not peak until 2040s – Vitol
5 October 2021
Near-term demand expected to reach pre-pandemic levels by summer 2022 as air travel rebounds
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