Tagged With Richard Wachman
Saudi oil diversification hits turbulence
1 December 2019
Vision 2030 spearhead PIF damaged by high profile investment setbacks at key MbS ally Softbank
More bad signs for MbS
30 August 2019
Sub-$60/bl Brent, a rising budget deficit, soft foreign direct investment and subdued growth in the non-oil sector all drag on Vision 2030
Plenty more to come from Saudi Aramco
27 June 2019
Saudi Aramco’s mammoth $12bn global bond offering allowed a glimpse into its treasure chest for the first time
Saudi Aramco allows sneak peek into its finances
20 June 2019
The company's mammoth $12bn global bond offering allowed a glimpse into its treasure chest for the first time
Oil price puzzle as sanctions choke Iran exports
4 June 2019
Which direction is the price of Brent crude heading following deployment of a US naval and B-52 bomber strike force to the Middle East? The answer is complex
Saudi Aramco set to spread its wings
16 May 2019
The firm’s industrial slate will be broadened and its global reach extended when the Sabic deal is complete
Opec+ stress test as oil price lifts off
9 May 2019
Cartel heavyweight Saudi Arabia draws heat from White House and Russia
Pakistan's energy headache shows no sign of lifting
12 April 2019
Gulf and Chinese cash will not solve Pakistan's oil and gas crisis as domestic demand continues to rise
Opec's 2019 dilemma
1 February 2019
The cartel faces unprecedented challenges, amid sceptism that output cuts will avert a global supply glut
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