Pureplay producer makes case for scope three absolution
NCS operator Lundin is touting its ‘green’ Johan Sverdrup barrels. Its CEO argues that represents it doing its bit
Swedish-headquartered independent Lundin Energy will use carbon offsets to ensure future deliveries from its Johan Sverdrup field on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) are net-zero on scope one and two emissions from production to delivery to buyer. And CEO Nick Walker tells the FT Global Commodities Summit that any further emissions across the lifecycle of these barrels are out of Lundin’s control and should be the responsibility of wherever in the chain they occur. It remains to be seen if such an attitude will prove acceptable to public and investor opinion as we move to a lower-carbon future. Johan Sverdrup already emits a globally low 0.45kg CO2e/bl oe for full life-of-field emission

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