Sunrise project sees light on horizon
Progress is being made on the Timorese LNG development, but is unlikely to reach production any time soon
The Sunrise joint venture (JV) has reaffirmed its commitment to develop Timor-Leste's Greater Sunrise gas fields. The JV—comprising Australian gas giant Woodside as the operator with 33.44pc, Timorese NOC Timor Gap with 56.56pc and Japan’s Osaka Gas with the remaining 10pc—“jointly affirms its commitment to undertake a concept select programme for the development of the Greater Sunrise fields”. The Timorese government says the JV has “agreed to select a reputable third-party consultant, specialised in this field, to conduct the concept select study”. The JV has not set out a timeline for development but says it “is aiming to complete the concept select programme expeditiously”, while the gov
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