Tagged With Kazakhstan
Kazakh mega-project enters pre-Feed phase
22 June 2023
German federal president attends drilling ceremony at $50bn project in Kazakhstan’s Mangystau region as the two countries strengthen green hydrogen ties
Kazakh hydrogen exports to Europe ‘already possible today’
6 April 2023
Hyrasia One developer Svevind tells Hydrogen Economist it has seen particular interest from EU offtakers in its green hydrogen and ammonia megaproject
Hydrogen partnerships flourish at Cop27
14 November 2022
The conference has already seen the signature of a green hydrogen shipping agreement and US support for a Ukrainian nuclear hydrogen project
Kazakhstan backs 20GW green hydrogen project
28 October 2022
Project aims for FID in 2026, with first production by 2030
Svevind targets Kazakh green hydrogen production
30 June 2021
Stated aim of 30GW of electrolysers to produce 3mn t/yr of green hydrogen would make region one of world’s largest producers
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