Tagged With Shi Weijun
Vietnam sets challenging hydrogen targets
8 March 2024
Prime minister approves strategy aimed at ramping up production of green and blue hydrogen by 2030
China plans key role for green hydrogen
30 November 2023
Production of green hydrogen and fuels from rapidly expanding renewable power sector becoming increasingly important to country’s energy strategy
China lauds Europe hydrogen policy
31 October 2023
Europe is leading the way on R&D level and development of policy framework for low-carbon hydrogen, says official of China’s State Grid Energy Research Institute
South Korea to auction more hydrogen power
13 September 2023
October auction to allow use of grey hydrogen ahead of expected tightening of criteria in 2024
Japan fine tunes its hydrogen strategy
7 September 2023
Recent update sets new interim targets, but plan still lacks detailed policies to stimulate domestic demand
China’s green hydrogen producers look overseas
25 July 2023
Weak demand at home means producers are targeting export markets and emerging demand from shipping and aviation
South Korea to launch hydrogen power auctions
27 June 2023
Pioneering tender process designed to spark competition in hydrogen-based generation
China mulls hydrogen policy support
15 March 2023
Delegates to the country’s ‘two sessions’ raise potential bottlenecks to large-scale deployment without strengthened policy support
Hydrogen an opportunity for China’s renewables hubs
28 February 2023
Wind and solar hubs in the north of the country are planning integrated hydrogen projects amid changing demand from traditional coastal industrial customers
China electrolyser demand to pick up in 2023
5 December 2022
Supply chain disruptions caused by Covid-19 and higher costs of solar PV units have created drag on hydrogen this year
China evaluates PGM hydrogen demand
30 November 2022
Alkaline systems are looking to increase PGM loadings to improve production efficiency, while PEM manufacturers are working on the opposite to cut costs
Japan targets supply-side policy
21 October 2022
Systems for supporting commercial supply chains for hydrogen and ammonia were discussed at a recent meeting of policy subcommittees
Ammonia has strong potential as hydrogen carrier
10 October 2022
Higher energy density, existing traded market and possibilities of blending offer opportunities for green ammonia
Efuels ‘need policy support’
6 October 2022
Tax regimes in some countries means low-carbon efuels are treated as fossil fuels, Tokyo conference hears
Africa eyes China’s hydrogen truck technology
22 September 2022
Replacement of diesel trucks with fuel-cell electric vehicles in Africa offers opportunity for strategic cooperation with China
China could meet 25pc of global hydrogen demand
15 September 2022
The country is ramping up output and could produce 100-150mn t/yr by 2060, says working group of Ministry of Science and Technology
China’s hydrogen strategy yields results
13 September 2022
A number of projects have emerged in the northwestern region of Ningxia, which has good renewable energy resources
India could be major hydrogen exporter
24 June 2022
Low renewable energy costs combined with low domestic demand could allow country to become an exporter of the fuel, panel says
Sinopec drives down costs on flagship facility
14 June 2022
NOC develops integrated supply chain and stronger approach to electrolyser suppliers
China to favour hydrogen for trucking
10 June 2022
Better performance of fuel-cell vehicles compared with battery-electric models in colder weather is a significant advantage for hydrogen technology
EU firms ready to invest in Chinese transition
7 June 2022
European businesses have the technology to support China’s push for net zero, but policy uncertainty and red tape are hindering investment, says the EU Chamber of Commerce in China
Hydrogen may need green products premium
8 April 2022
A price premium for products made with green hydrogen may be more effective than carbon pricing or subsidies
Price and carbon intensity more important than colour – J-Power
4 April 2022
Multiple methods of production will be needed to hedge against energy security risk, according to Japanese utility
China releases national hydrogen strategy
23 March 2022
Country aims to produce 100,000-200,000t/yr of green hydrogen by 2025
Chinese regions discuss hydrogen potential
11 March 2022
Lawmakers and political advisers have proposed options for developing China’s hydrogen economy
Tokyo Gas developing low-cost hydrogen for methanation
1 March 2022
Japan’s largest utility is working with Screen Holdings to bring down electrolyser cost
China studies hydrogen blending in gas network
28 February 2022
Use of existing infrastructure could open the way for hydrogen in the city gas market and enable imports via LNG terminals, according to speakers at a Shanghai event
China uses Winter Olympics as springboard for hydrogen
1 February 2022
Games seen as showcase for hydrogen transport ahead of industry roadmap expected from government later this year
Projects must bridge finance gap with equity markets
15 December 2021
Commercial lenders are unlikely to provide debt financing in the short term, but options exist
Chinese firms must integrate mobility supply chain
13 December 2021
Consortiums are needed in order to deploy solutions for government transport contracts
Hydrogen needs strong carbon price
9 December 2021
Global carbon trading schemes need higher prices to incentivise hydrogen projects, says panel
Hydrogen contracts to differ from LNG
8 December 2021
Take-or-pay contracts and destination clauses will be hard to implement in hydrogen market
Chinese hydrogen projects could limit tech exports
3 December 2021
Strong domestic demand for electrolysers could slow deployment elsewhere, says panel
Precious metal recovery vital – panel
1 December 2021
Recycling proton-exchange membrane electrolysers and fuel cells at the end of their lives will help address supply concerns
Methanol touted as hydrogen enabler
19 November 2021
Methanol-to-hydrogen reforming at point of use could sidestep need to transport and store the gas, conference hears
Hydrogen will reach diesel parity in 2025 – Sinopec
10 November 2021
Fleet operators will have compelling reason to switch to hydrogen trucks as costs continue to fall
Hydrogen will develop regionally before global market
29 October 2021
First steps towards making hydrogen a tradeable energy commodity globally will likely be regionalised markets, says panel
Hydrogen could compete with gas on price in Asia – panel
28 October 2021
Large-scale projects targeting first output in the second half of this decade are negotiating offtake prices at parity with fossil fuels
SE Asian nations need better hydrogen strategy – panel
27 October 2021
Region is lagging Australia and countries in East Asia and Europe in the hydrogen race
Sinopec targets hydrogen in decarbonisation drive
1 April 2021
Pivot to hydrogen suggests Sinopec will embrace green hydrogen rather than extend brown and grey production
China prepares multi-pronged hydrogen strategy
22 February 2021
The 14th Five-Year Plan is expected to set targets for advancing technology and production volumes, with the aim of reducing carbon emissions and costs
Sinopec aims for Chinese hydrogen leadership
16 February 2021
Beijing-based company is seeking to collaborate in developing a green hydrogen supply chain
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