I am not my sister's keeper, I am My Sister (part 2)
Rosie Chabva, Lean In Energy
Dear Reader, (Part 2)
Mentoring. When we reflect on any of our negative experiences, instead of stopping at pity or raging against the machine, we could start by reflecting on what we wish we had; then be that! For at least one other woman. What was it that took you from bright and eager new arrival to disillusioned? Which game was being played that you were unaware of, to even attempt to play? Which invisible chair at the hidden table did you wish you knew existed so you could show up too? Are you able to go beyond mentoring to sponsorship and advocate for your sister?
Community. Research has shown that involvement in positive communities can help individuals navigate challenging situations and avoid adverse outcomes[1]. At Lean In Energy, we are fortunate to be part of a sisterhood that embraces the energy of collaboration, not competition, a safe space that promotes self-discovery and building meaningful relationships. Could you extend this energy of the community to individuals in your organisation or network? In creating and nurturing a community, we create our own table, where members can build skills to effect change beyond the community. Can you draw from what you learn through Lean In and use that energy to extend the empathetic approach beyond our network?
Public awareness and education. We keep hearing the same news, and rightly so; women are still disadvantaged, and it will take decades to correct. Cue that energy-sapping feeling all over again. Arise, dear reader! The facts of events are fixed, yet editors of different outlets will portray them with opposite headlines. In the story of women and energy, you can be the editor. Embrace your voice and energy to raise awareness of how individuals, businesses, and society can change. What this looks like, I leave to you, so it suits your situation and the sister(s) you want to effect change for. Change for current, and future generations must be executed today in a way that doesn’t sabotage tomorrow. SDG5 Gender Equality and SDG7 Affordable and Clean Energy are most aligned with our mission at Lean In Energy. Perhaps use the resources on them as a guideline to educate on women and energy. Instead of getting beaten down by the bleak narrative, let us choose to challenge, with empathy, of course.
In summary, dear reader – I am because you are. Let’s take action inspired by empathy so that through collaboration and paying it forward, my success becomes your success. Let’s look around us, strike a conversation, listen and research to understand each other’s unique challenges. This will then inform any action we take, or in the spirit of this letter, the type of energy we apply in our interactions to empower women’s ambitions.
Ike bu nke anyi; Simba nderedu; Le pouvoir est en nous; Makten er var; Amandla ngawethu,
[1] Celestine, N. (no date). 10 Traits That Make a Positive Community