Tagged With Carbon offsets
CBL exchange eyes growing share of offset trade
10 February 2023
Exchange traded volumes rising as voluntary carbon market matures, CBL’s parent company Xpansiv tells Carbon Economist
Nature-based carbon offset momentum defies critics
7 February 2023
A recent trend towards offset crediting at a jurisdictional level is raising funds at a much larger scale than traditional project-based programmes
Offset oversupply threatens carbon removal tech
3 February 2023
Surplus offsets in voluntary carbon market could depress prices to 2050 and deter investment in more expensive removal methods, says BloombergNEF
Offsets standards body refutes media’s Redd+ claims
1 February 2023
Studies underpinning recent reports are flawed, according to technical review published by Verra
Core carbon principles could boost voluntary market
30 January 2023
Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market to launch finalised Core Carbon Principles for credit programmes and projects, the body’s chair tells Carbon Economist
Voluntary market set to embrace removals
20 January 2023
Carbon-removal technologies to gain market share as companies fret over quality of credits generated by avoidance projects, according to Shell and BCG
Alaska looks to tap carbon markets
17 January 2023
US state’s governor proposes legislation to support expansion of CCS and generation of tradeable offsets
Rio Tinto to offset over 5pc of 2030 emissions goal
2 December 2022
The mining company will develop 1mn t of in-house emissions offsets through projects on its existing land
EU must clarify CO₂ removal rules
29 November 2022
Carbon removals proposal must prioritise emissions cuts and differentiate between short-term and long-term storage, according to NGOs
New umbrella CO₂ offset contract launched
21 June 2022
The GER contract has been designed to tackle some of the problems with existing voluntary carbon markets
The big carbon short
13 May 2022
Commodity traders will help solve a forthcoming large carbon short in the voluntary offset market
Climeworks secures $650mn to scale up direct air capture
7 April 2022
Swiss startup aims for megaton capacity by 2030
Crediting emissions saved in plugging oil and gas wells
26 January 2022
Avoided emissions could be credited as carbon offsets and sold on exchanges
Outlook 2022: Cop26’s imperfect progress
19 November 2021
Glasgow saw just another Cop where some progress was made, but not enough if Paris Agreement targets are to be met
LNG sector in push for emissions transparency
17 November 2021
New industry framework promotes best practice for emissions accounting and use of offsets as trade in green LNG cargoes grows
Subsidies key to carbon capture growth
6 October 2021
Attempts to scale up CCUS have failed due to lack of guaranteed long-term revenue
Swiss Re signs world’s first ten-year DAC contract with Climeworks
26 August 2021
$10mn contract and strategic partnership aims to improve fundability of large-scale DAC
Global carbon markets look for boost from Cop26 talks
12 May 2021
Markets are taking hold anyway but more work is needed to refine rules
Startup aims to bring transparency to carbon offsets
26 March 2021
Viridios has developed artificial intelligence to enhance price discovery and help match companies with offsets that have suitable characteristics
Investors unimpressed by carbon offsets
25 March 2021
Asset managers and institutional investors are looking past largely unregulated means of reducing emissions to companies implementing science-based targets
Mark Carney: Offset market is not functioning—CeraWeek
4 March 2021
Former BoE governor says ‘tiny’ offset market could play more influential role
UN carbon market stuck in legal limbo
1 March 2021
Following the postponement of Cop26, offset developers and investors must wait many months for uncertainty to be resolved
Voluntary carbon market faces credibility challenge
2 February 2021
To reach maturity critics need to be convinced that decarbonisation is meaningful and permanent
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