Tagged With Gregor Macdonald
US bill funds EVs and transmission
12 November 2021
Legislation provides finance for charging stations and transmission lines
Carbon abatement cost debate evolves
14 September 2021
Previous analysis tended to neglect cross-measure interactions and simplify diminishing marginal returns
US highlights China coal consumption
10 September 2021
Capacity additions continue despite falling demand and accelerating renewables rollout
California promotes building electrification
26 August 2021
New codes would encourage developers to integrate small-scale batteries into new commercial structures
LS Power’s Rev launch signals take-off for US storage market
24 August 2021
US market set for rapid growth, with both standalone and coupled storage projects gaining traction
India policy move boosts growing electric two-wheeler market
19 August 2021
Price incentives support shift away from petrol models in country’s largest vehicle class
Biden’s latest EV push starts from low base
12 August 2021
President wields executive order to accelerate EV uptake, which remains stuck at around 2pc nationally
Biden under pressure over cheap Chinese solar
11 August 2021
Scrutiny on manufacturing in Xinjiang could open the door to polysilicon production in other regions as demand surges
US EVs to receive diminished funding
6 August 2021
Biden administration may still have options to increase funding pot, including reconciliation
Battery discharge efficiency key – US study
4 August 2021
Long-discharge capability also needed if batteries are to bring down grid power prices
Form Energy looks to undercut battery market
29 July 2021
With a cost proposition around $20/kWh, the startup hopes to disrupt the more established lithium-ion industry
US grid to face transition pressure
7 July 2021
Regional grids will struggle with twin challenges of decarbonisation and extreme weather events
Canada latest to announce future halt to ICE vehicle sales
5 July 2021
Phase-outs began at subnational levels and have grown to reach national commitments in various regions
Solar production tax credit could transform US solar
1 July 2021
Legislators have proposed measure that would boost domestic industry rather than Chinese imports
EVs could act as storage for US grid - report
30 June 2021
Arrival of electric pick up trucks on US consumer vehicle market could help solve Texas grid problems
US renewables developers snap up grid-ready sites to beat congestion
23 June 2021
New entrants face lengthy applications and obligation to invest in system
US drought hits hydropower production
10 June 2021
Rising natural gas demand could provide sustained hit to state decarbonisation plans
Google partners with Fervo on geothermal
1 June 2021
Firms hope that tapping geothermal energy will help Google’s operations become completely decarbonised
Amazon launches sustainability bond
24 May 2021
Bond was part of a much larger, six-part $18.5bn offering
US faces nuclear closure dilemma
18 May 2021
Closure of the Indian Point nuclear power plant last month raises issue of what to do with rest of fleet
US wind supply chain to ramp up
17 May 2021
Approval of Vineyard Wind marks a point where supply chains will start to develop in earnest
US coal comes under continued pressure – report
17 May 2021
Reduced capacity factors and increasing renewable generation mean trend is accelerating
Sunrun reports strong growth
11 May 2021
Small-scale solar plays big role in US market as installers ramp growth and pursue home batteries
US charging network sits on cusp of change
4 May 2021
The Biden administration wants to increase the size of America’s EV charging network by 400pc
Chip shortage starts to impact solar sector
4 May 2021
Enphase is struggling to source microchip-enabled inverters – a key component in solar PV systems
Wind and solar approach critical deployment level
26 April 2021
As technologies approach milestone, they could scale even faster
US gasoline demand unthreatened by driver assistance
20 April 2021
New technologies that provide assistance for drivers have proved slow to penetrate the US market
US emissions falls are part of wider trend
19 April 2021
Emissions may not bounce back to levels seen before the Covid-19 pandemic
Lithium miners explore all options as battery demand pulls away
14 April 2021
Recycling may offer a third way as global lithium industry struggles to ramp up supply to feed growth of electric vehicles
US energy storage could get tax credits
13 April 2021
Industry hopes Biden administration will put in place a standalone tax credit for grid storage
US gears up for ‘big transmission’
9 April 2021
Good technology and better policies are set to bring clean power from America’s remote regions to city centres
US embarks on a new kind of industrial policy
6 April 2021
Washington reinvents strategy with focus on microchip production and charging stations, rather than traditional ‘roads and bridges’
Rethinking the levelised cost of energy
31 March 2021
The market appears to be factoring in the decline of capacity factors for conventional energy assets
Biden seeks to address weak infrastructure track record
29 March 2021
US faces deep investment hole built over decades, and a lack of skill to address it
EV supply chains: The new great game
23 March 2021
Volkswagen’s aggressive battery plans signal new worries for automakers in the EV era
You will never guess who just declared peak gasoline…
22 March 2021
The IEA has called the top of global demand, although it predicts demand for oil will continue to rise
Speculators discover EU ETS—and like what they see
16 March 2021
Brushing aside debatable ethical considerations, traders have been pushing the world’s largest carbon market to record highs
US offshore wind reaps tech boost after delay
15 March 2021
‘Designing with uncertainty’ concept has worked out to the advantage of east coast projects
Nuclear growth is set for further decay
10 March 2021
The speed at which solar and wind projects can be completed means they will soon exceed nuclear plants in the global power mix
The great run of US natural gas faces storage challenge
8 March 2021
Further growth in the consumption of natural gas will need to overcome the trend for renewables paired with power grid storage
US wind and solar return to rapid growth
3 March 2021
After a period of relative stagnation, wind and solar generation are set to continue their recent renaissance
Green light for road pricing could put brakes on US fuel demand
2 March 2021
Washington may finally tip petrol demand into decline if it starts to back state-led policies
For EVs to succeed, Tesla’s market share must fall
26 February 2021
Consumers demand choice and traditional manufacturers have started to provide it
The Texas power disaster and the end of energy ideology
23 February 2021
The Lone Star State will need to think hard about whether it wants to maintain an independent electricity grid following the devastating failure last week
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