The great untapped resource
The capacity to capture and fully exploit data is crucial for operators to drive greater business value
For an E&P company, competing in today’s increasingly unpredictable environment requires an extraordinary level of both agility and adaptability. The impact of Covid-19 on oil and gas demand, and the resulting fall and general volatility in commodity prices, has upped the ante on an unparalleled scale, presenting the global energy industry with even tougher challenges and less time to address them. For many, the pace at which they were required to respond to these challenges was simply too great. The burden of the pandemic weighed especially heavily on less resilient organisations, which found themselves scrambling to preserve cashflow in the short term, struggling to reduce costs in th
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Prices in world’s largest compliance market have risen this year but remain below those seen in the EU
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Policymakers need to step up with a long-term, global strategy if the energy transition is ever to be a success
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CCUS and other carbon management technologies are gaining traction around the world, but heightened policy risk and other pressures will make 2025 a challenging year in some regions
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Tightened standards have helped improve the outlook for the voluntary carbon market, which is set for a record year and poised for long-term growth